
Assk Dave #6 – Questions from Facebook

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Assk Dave #6 – Questions from Facebook

Every Saturday, Dave answers a few questions from Facebook.  Here are this week’s questions: Michelle Eades Two questions for you, David … 1. do you need to actually travel to work out where else you want to travel to? 2. How do you decide who is going to be approached to be a Guest on the show? Thank You!  Ingrid Francis Hi David, I am wondering what tools or methods you like to use, or recommend, in order to stay in your “zone”….so as not to absorb any negativity or influence from others around you…….particularly family members, i.e.: spouses and children who are having a Bad Day…as running out the door is not always an option!!!….From a Mum who is striving for some in House Harmony….. The Good Life Philosophy Hi David, what has been your biggest failure to date? How did you respond at the time and what lesson did you learn from it? One More bonus Question from Barb: David… Everyone lives their lives “wishing they had been able to do more “. How do you actaully recognize and develop the “inner greatness” that you know is there but have never been able to find ? How do you actually move forward in your life if you know what you are about to do may end up hurting the ones you love? And lastly, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers!...

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110 – The Secret Trick to Financial Success That They Don’t Teach You In School

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110 – The Secret Trick to Financial Success That They Don’t Teach You In School

David is about to take possession of his beautiful new lakefront house, and in the process of moving, has been reminded how simplification is the key to financial success. In this show, you’ll learn: How clutter can inhibit your ability to say “yes” to new things. Why creating space is the secret to our true power Why simplification is the key to creating wealth The common myth around car payments Why it doesn’t pay to be like the “Jones’ next door” This show is dedicated to Barb and her commuter friends in Australia, riding the train and listening to The Kickass Life every day!  Thanks guys!  Finally, this week’s awesome review from iTunes is from PhyllisJP: “I love getting motivation and inspiration from your interviewees.  I was listening to Ana Neff on my run this morning. When she talked about living authentically and some signs that one is not, it really resonated with me. Then when you played Fleetwood Mac at the end singing about “go your own way” I started crying.  Do you know how hard it is to run and cry at the same time? 🙂 Anyway, thanks for doing what you do and shining your light so the rest of us can shine ours” Thanks Phyllis! Click to Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Reviews, ratings, and subscriptions are what makes this show survive.  Please consider taking 30 seconds, clicking this link, and leaving us a review and a rating, and clicking the “subscribe” button. Thanks! David &...

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109 – Dr. Michael Colgan: The Rockstar of Science

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109 – Dr. Michael Colgan: The Rockstar of Science

Michael Colgan is an Australian biochemist and physiologist nutritionist who gained recognition through his articles in the bodybuilding magazine Muscular Development and also through his books. From 1971 through 1982 Colgan was a senior member of the Science Faculty at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.[1] In 1972 he started the Colgan Institute in Auckland, New Zealand.  According to the Institute’s website the Colgan Institute is “…a consulting, educational and research facility concerned with the effects of nutrition on physical performance and on inhibiting the degeneration of aging” David and Dr. Colgan discuss how to treat your bodies, exercise and take care of your brain. In this show, you’ll learn: The Purpose of Life! The Myths about Exercises How The Human Body Works How to Age Well Two exercises you can do to determine if you’re part of the 1% How to do 100 Pushups How we take our brain for granted How to take care of our brain Links Mentioned on the show: Dr. Colgan is also the featured speaker at our Mind, Body & Spirit Retreat at Thatch Caye from July 1st to July 8th.  ( Dr. Colgan is excited to have the opportunity to really get in depth with people for a few days and see their changes in their face, their eyes, in their attitudes and in the way they move and walk and changes that he hopes they go away with and that will stay with them.  It’s a road to a different life. At 74 Dr. Colgan is looking forward to the next 25 years, and learning so much more then he knows now and looking forward to all the fun and the passion of...

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Assk Dave #5: Questions from Facebook

Posted by on 7:41 pm in 600 Seconds, Podcasts | 2 comments

Jen joins Dave on the show for the first time as they sit on the trampoline in their garden, sharing a latte, on a beautiful sunny spring morning and answer your questions. Alex Beale What is the best way to end a friendship while  evoking the least hostility? I am an American university student. In February I agreed to live with my current roommates for another school year. Now, I realize that I want to distance myself from these people, and I no longer want to live with them. How can I end our relationship in a compassionate way? David Allen How does a 59 year old unemployed man change careers and find work? Tania Stevenson Pendergast How to shift gears from 20 years in a govt job and follow your dreams of being creative Joe Honan How TO explain time zones of GMT/UTC plus 10 and GMT minus 5 to Americans Michelle Negri “Master trainer” how did you become a master trainer, what did you do before being a trainer (not the window washer job etc), was there someone or something that led you to this path, what steps did you take ? Clearly I don’t know that much about you…but I know that you are amazing at kicking ass. Jake Simon I’d love to know how/what strategies you communicate to your boys. Or more to the point, what strategies they are using now – ultimately getting a head start early on. Kristy Gallen Do you have a mantra to get you through tough days? Debra Marra Donaldson What gives you the courage to make the first call ? Join the conversation!...

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108 – Happy Birthday to The Kickass Life Show!

Posted by on 10:20 pm in Best Of The Kickass Life, Podcasts | 2 comments

108 – Happy Birthday to The Kickass Life Show!

David looks back over the year that was and shares a few highlights and a few memories from his Kickass trips around the world. As it’s the first year birthday of the show he turns it over to one of his loyal listeners in Australia to become the host for the day and put David in the hot seat. Sit back and enjoy as Michelle Eades fulfills one of her bucket list items and hosts THE KICKASS LIFE SHOW. Michelle Eades ~ Bio For more than 25 years, I have been exploring all the ‘Pieces of Michelle’ ~ making sense of present life experiences and discovering past life themes. The Journey, this lifetime, is one of understanding how all those pieces combine to create the person I am today: mother, wife, oracle card reader, motivator ~ “Michelle”. I am passionate about being All That I Can Be; exploring Past Lifetimes; and noticing, discovering and commenting on those magical moments of Everyday JOY. And lastly, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers!...

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107 – Entrepreneur on FIRE with John Lee Dumas

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107 – Entrepreneur on FIRE with John Lee Dumas

Todays Quote “ The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes” Marcel Proust David was recently on a show called “Entrepreneur on Fire” with John Lee Dumas. He was so impressed with the host and his vision that he immediately invited him to be a guest on The Kickass Life. John is a true inspiration traveling from the battlefields of Iraq to the living rooms, iPods, cars, and computers of a global audience who want to set fire to their own business ideas. What you will hear on this show: How John Lee Dumas took a simple idea and created a six-figure income in just 6 months. How to launch an idea by putting yourself in front of the right people and building relationships. How to leverage a small amount of momentum and just few yes’ and turn them into massive momentum and many yes’. How to deal with and overcome the fear of rejection. How to build a dynasty by creating value for others. Visit the Entrepreneur on Fire Website:  If you liked the show, give John Lee Dumas some Twitter love by clicking here. And lastly, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers! David...

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Assk Dave Episode #4 (Your Questions from Facebook)

Posted by on 6:13 am in 600 Seconds, Podcasts | 1 comment

Assk Dave Episode #4 (Your Questions from Facebook)

The new format of Assk Dave allows you to assk any question about anything; Life, passion, romance, sex, business, networking, success, mistakes…everything is on the table so ask away. So here are the questions that were posted this week on Facebook: (Ask your own here: At the beginning of a personal growth/enlightenment journey, how do you fight the urge to point out every time people around you are being negative? – Oana Mesesan Hey David! We all know that you proposed to Jen on top of Kilimanjaro. Would you like to share your love story, how did you guys meet? Patrick Weeden Hi David, if you had to choose one thing, what would be the single most important step towards becoming successful? Michelle Eades Hi David! Another question for you … how did you meet Jack Canfield and become such great friends? Have an awesome day! Leigh Martinuzzi How do we choose what path to take? I am a very passionate person and put my heart and soul into almost everything I do, but this little defeat has made me question if the path of real estate to reach my goals is the right way. I have had other ideas since about setting up my own business and creating my riches and success that way but feel I am quitting too soon from real estate in which I still feel I could do well. Music Michael Jackson: The Way you make me feel Man in the Mirror    ...

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106 – What if…You DIDN’T KNOW What You Know?

Posted by on 6:25 pm in 30 Minute Shows, Australia, Podcasts | Comments Off on 106 – What if…You DIDN’T KNOW What You Know?

106 – What if…You DIDN’T KNOW What You Know?

Inspired by a night out with his mates, Mike, Mark, Sean and Ben David focuses on one of the stories that he had shared with them while out at the Pub. After waking up after just 3 hours sleep he reflects on the power of his conversation with Mark that went on to the wee hours, long after everyone else was tucked in sleeping. Their all night marathons (which occur often) always end up challenging David to step into more of the juice of life. In this show you will learn….. The Story of a simple Farmer ‘Cliff Young” who changed a nation The power of the things that we don’t know The ‘Bannister’ Paradigm Shift The importance of ‘Guy Time’ David’s 30 Day Pledge that the Naysayers Said was Not Possible What Tim Ferriss Thinks About ‘Outliers’ 10,000 Hr Rule Lynn Shatters a Record and Sets a New Paradigm in Motion A Challenge to You to Ask What If? Music in the show by “Coldplay” Songs – What If – Yellow – Clocks The Story of Cliff Young ‘The Cliff Young Shuffle” An Unlikely Competitor  Cliff Young Every year, Australia hosts 543.7-mile (875-kilometer) endurance racing from Sydney to Melbourne. It is considered among the world’s most grueling ultra-marathons. The race takes five days to complete and is normally only attempted by world-class athletes who train specially for the event. These athletes are typically less than 30 years old and backed by large companies such as Nike. In 1983, a man named Cliff Young showed up at the start of this race. Cliff was 61 years old and wore overalls and work boots. To everyone’s shock, Cliff wasn’t a spectator. He picked up his race number and joined the other runners. The press and other athletes became curious and questioned Cliff. They told him, “You’re crazy, there’s no way you can finish this race.” To which he replied, “Yes I can. See, I grew up on a farm where we couldn’t afford horses or tractors, and the whole time I was growing up, whenever the storms would roll in, I’d have to go out and round up the sheep. We had 2,000 sheep on 2,000 acres. Sometimes I would have to run those sheep for two or three days. It took a long time, but I’d always catch them. I believe I can run this race.” When the race started, the pros quickly left Cliff behind. The crowds and television audience were entertained because Cliff didn’t even run properly; he appeared to shuffle. Many even feared for the old farmer’s safety. The Tortoise and the Hare  All of the professional athletes knew that it took about 5 days to finish the race. In order to compete, one had to run about 18 hours a day and sleep the remaining 6 hours. The thing is, Cliff Young didn’t know that! When the morning of the second day came, everyone was in for another surprise. Not only was Cliff still in the race, he had continued jogging all night. Eventually Cliff was asked about his tactics for the rest of the race. To everyone’s disbelief, he claimed he would run straight through to the finish without sleeping. Cliff kept running. Each night he came a little closer to the...

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Leaders are Readers – Carl Studna: Click! Choosing Love, one Frame at a Time

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Leaders are Readers – Carl Studna: Click! Choosing Love, one Frame at a Time

In this inaugural episode of “Leaders are Readers”, David welcomes back celebrity photographer Carl Studna, who has just published his first book, “Click! Choosing Love, One Frame at a Time”. Even though Carl has shot Paul McCartney, Deepak Chopra, The Dalai Lama, and countless others, this book is about love. What you’ll hear on the show: Communicating in the modern age, and how to stay present while navigating through life in the 21st century. How Carl was bullied in school, and how he responded to it in a positive way The Power of “Staying Open” How Meditation can change your life How The Beatles influenced Meditation in America Why David started writing poetry What it means to be “open to the stillness” How to breathe and begin to meditate How to stay in a place of observation, and resolve conflict How to hire Carl at for a world-class photography shoot How Carl thinks of photography as “co-creating” In “Click! Choosing Love, One Frame at a Time”, you’ll learn: How to become aware of when we’re not present How to stay “In the love” How to create loving, purposeful, and heart-centered choices How “texture” can make for a more pleasant reading experience Insightful stories from thought-leaders Practical tools to open you up and create a deeper consciousness Listen to Carl’s first interview here Purchase “Click! Choosing Love, One Frame at a Time” If you liked the show, give Carl some Twitter love by clicking here. And lastly, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers!...

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105 – Collaborate to Success with CEO Larry Stevens

Posted by on 3:44 pm in Interview Shows, Podcasts | 1 comment

105 – Collaborate to Success with CEO Larry Stevens

Larry Stevens shares his journey from Hockey Player to “Imagineer”, and co-founder of OPUS WORKSPACE, todays solution for the noisy and cluttered Internet world. (SEE BELOW for Larry’s special Kickass offer…) The Problem Entrepreneurs have: Bombarded by Twitter, Facebook, and emails, a constant barrage of NOISE. Immense Pressure in the workspace to get more done. The Opus Solution: Lessen the traffic, the noise and the stress, so that we can get more done and collaborate together for greater results in a private and protected workspace that pushes you to take the right actions. The idea of Opus was born in a waiting room of a hospital surrounded by children battling Cancer. He saw how he could change the way that Cancer is treated, by designing a workspace that would allow a global collaboration in a protected workspace with like minded people. In this show, you’ll learn: “The Key Ingredient” of Winning The Importance of Proper Planning How to gain confidence and momentum Larry looked for the Difference Maker in the world today and found it with OPUS WORKSPACE, where you can empower each other to create more success in the work space, and less stress in our home space. Larry Stevens has a great offer for all listeners of The Kickass Life Show: Go to: Choose “Executive Plan”, enter “kickass” in the (coupon code) section, and you will get $30.00 off of a $50.00 per month plan with full access to all features, and no limits! This is an exclusive offer for Listeners of the Kickass Life with David Wood Show, For any question please call the “Opus Success Contact Centre” 866.379.0991 ext...

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