213 – How Education is Killing Creativity
In this podcast, filled with great humor, David discusses the importance of challenging and expanding the way we all think and reviews some of Sir Ken Robinson’s discussion from his widely popular TED Talk about ‘Killing Creativity’. We have been taught to disregard the creativity that we are all born with and follow the rigid structure of the industrial revolution based education system. David talks through his experiences of being disregarded and looked down upon by teachers and counselors when he was in school, and how the educational system is broken in the way they judge just a small portion of what is truly important in children. The topics covered in this podcast are critical to learn about discuss for any current students, parents, educators, or those who understand the critical role that creativity plays in education. Sir Ken Robinson is a phenomenal speaker with over 5 Million views on his TED talk and over 10 Million views on Changing Paradigms video. He is thought provoking and mind expanding speaker who delivers this amazing content through great stories and humor. Sir Ken Robinson’s Ted Talk on Youtube Sir Ken Robinson’s ‘Changing Paradigm’ video on Youtube Key things you’ll learn in this podcast: – How to embrace failure to reach your excellence – How current education teaches the creativity out of us – New ways of teaching to fire up all senses for better results – How Gillian Lynne (world renown choreographer of Cats & Phantom of the Opera) overcame the early labels of attention deficit to embrace her true calling Awesome musical accompaniment in this podcast: Dire Straits – Sultans of Swing Dire Straits – Money for...
125 – Become Bigger Than Your Obstacles
David is on his way to Belize for the transformational Mind, Body, and Spirit program. In the meantime, he talks about how to overcome your day to day obstacles: In this show, you will learn: The difference between a “level 10” person and a “level 5” person facing a problem or obstacle. How “becoming bigger” than your problems or obstacles is a major key to success. How predetermining your reactions to a problem or obstacle sets you up not only to face them, but to conquer them. Thank you for everyone that’s donated on the site! It really makes a huge difference, whether it’s 5 dollars or 500. (To donate, just click the “donate” link to the right) Also, David shares one of his favorite quotes by Teddy Roosevelt from The Man in the Arena: Excerpt from the speech “Citizenship In a Republic”, Delivered at the Sorbonne in Paris, 23 April, 1910. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor...
100 – Screwing up to WIN with Dan Martell
Dan Martell is a serial Entrepreneur who’s aha moment at one of his darkest moments and launched Dan to become a successful entrepreneur, angel investor and mentor many start up companies. His current company www.clarity.fm has a goal of positive impact on 1 Billion people in the next decade. After one person saw in him, something that he had not seen in himself, he began his journey that he thanks some great people and a little luck for. At 18 he started a biz and failed At 20 he started another biz with borrowed family money and failed At 24 he started again when he realized that he wanted to create something bigger than himself and succeeded. Along the way he has learnt some very important life and business lessons. Below are some of his tips for success that he shares on the show. First: Screwing up is normal – When you are screwing up it does not mean that “You’re a Screw Up” “Your not a screw up, your just screwing up” When starting out: Find someone mentors who have recently done that thing that you want to do next, spend time with them and model them and what they are doing that is creating success. Then you can prove to yourself that it’s not that hard and that they are not as smart as you first thought they were. You’re not supposed to know the answers, as entrepreneurs we are not meant to know the first time, be a beginner first Remember one of my favorite sayings “Every Master was Once a Disaster”. All things are possible, A person just has to decide – In the end Its just a decision. Asked for some specific for some of his big aha’s, Dan shared these pearls of wisdom: When you have that feeling that you should do something, simply say F*@*k Yes or Heck Yes and start moving forward – Take Action Today. Stop talking about it and move your ideas forward. Understand the Knowing-Doing Gap (When you know inside that you should do something and just continue to sit on it) – So just DO IT. Embrace uncertainty and ignorance, in the beginning and often along the journey you will not know so make uncertainty your friend Perspective: Ask not if your worthy of your goals, ask if your goals are worthy of your life – Its not “do I deserve to have these things” the better question is “are these things worthy of me investing my life into them” Surround yourself with the right people, the people that will PLUS your ideas. Surround yourself with people who will...
097 – Mary Paterson: The Buddhist with a Sense of Humor!
David often shares how meeting the Dahli Lama changed his life and actually gave him permission to begin showing up authentically both in his life and on stage. His guest today reminds him of the sense of joy that he felt that day. Acclaimed as a Buddhist with a sense of humor, Mary Paterson is the author of THE MONKS AND ME: How 40 Days in Thich Nhat Hahn’s French Monastery Guided Me Home While not everyone would think visiting a Buddhist monastery would hold the answers to a life crisis, Mary Paterson discovered that was exactly what she needed. Unsettled by the deaths of her parents and accompanied by a too-heavy suitcase, she bravely entered Plum Village in France, the monastery of Noble-Prize nominated monk Thich Nhat Hanh. This witty guest will entertain and enlighten your audience as she reveals what she learned after spending six weeks living with the Sisters and Brothers. The Monks and Me – The Monks and Me makes Bookspan’s “Top 12 Books of 2012″ to be translated into 11 languages. She’ll share: Right Effort: how in our culture we work with the wrong kind of effort “no shit no flower” Buddist teaching of interdependence: teachings stating you need mud and dirt to grow flowers….a metaphor of life, and the challenges we face; we can’t experience happiness without our sorrows Gratitude: a fun story about pomegranate seeds The way a monk washes his face and why it’s important. How she learned patience from skinning a bowl of nuts and acceptance from a man who stole her headphones. What she learned from eating with Buddhist nuns in silence. Ways dragging around an overstuffed suitcase taught her how to surrender. What an 84-year-old monk taught her about finding refuge from life’s storms. Her experience getting sick She is the founder and director of Toronto’s Lotus Yoga Centre. She has studied and taught internationally in India, England, France, Mexico, Costa Rica and the United States. Mary is an accomplished speaker who has been interviewed for numerous magazine and newspaper articles in Elle Canada, the Toronto Star, and the Globe and Mail. To learn more about Mary, and to buy her book or her Kundalini Yoga DVD’S please visit her website:http://www.lotusyogacentre.com/ Her book is also available in major book stores across Canada and the...
096 – Getting Busy Living
David Shares his dance with life and death, and some things that he does in order to have a very healthy and extremely friendly relationship with death. He also shares something that you can do for your family and loved ones in preparation for an untimely demise. This show is really a celebration of life itself, and a call to all Kickass Life Practitioners to grab death by the waist, wink in its eye and begin to dance through life! Are you subscribed to the show yet? Here’s a direct subscription link (This will open iTunes): itpc://feeds.feedburner.com/thekickasslife The Belize Island Trip in July is SOLD OUT! Visit us on http://www.davidonfacebook.com and leave a message if you want to be added to the wait...