312 – Pat Flynn – How to Create a Smart Passive Income & Why It Matters
David interviews one of the biggest influencers of the “You can do it…work from home and spend more time with your family” movement. Pat Flynn went from a desk job as an architect, to creating an online empire, and is now one of the most sought-after speakers in the blogging and podcasting industry. Today Pat talks about: Losing his job he loved and where he is today. The importance of connecting with the right people. His passion for helping others to create their own success. Having a passive income and residual income and what this means. His income and why he shares this with everyone. Why he does everything ONLINE. What LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and how you can take this exam. His ebooks “The Smart Way” What a great show, Pat is known as the HONEST network marketer, he shares his amazing story of how he started to build his online successful business and how you too can start creating your empire at http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/. Useful Links:...
295 – Dealing with & Navigating the Waters of Infidelity – Dr. Phil
A question was posted to David about how to deal with a father who you just learned had been having a 20 year affair, so in this show, David talks through his experience on this matter, through some of the overall statistics and how to move past this season of anger, sadness and disappointment. David explores his own life and those he knows well, the writings of a well known author on this, and also a video done by Dr. Phil. In this show you will learn The danger of proximity How to get through this if this is your spouse How to get through this if this is a parent How to move on and forgive When does the pain stop and when can you move on When you can trust again This is an important lesson for everyone to learn, whether you are or have experienced infidelity directly or have a friend or relative that you can share this with. ...
257 – The KickAss Life’s Christmas Special – Bring Joy & Fun Into Every Day Of The Year
Join David as he explores the essence of Christmas and introduces you to some amazing people who will allow you to discover how you can bring the essence of Christmas into all 365 days a year. This is also a tribute to everyone who does not choose to celebrate Christmas because of his or her faith, background or culture. The Show is dedicated to: David’s son, Ben What You Will Learn on Todays Show The story of Christmas through children’s eyes How small acts can change the world What role a beautiful heart creates in ultimate power How someone can lose their sight yet gain their vision A daily practice that can lead to untold riches and power The importance of letting go, forgiving and trusting How devastation can lead to true love The role possessions play in defining you How happiness and wealth are often not linked Some of David’s Christmas experiences from Guatemala, Israel. Spain and Barbados Why no one expected poop to be in this special ha ha Today’s Quotes: You become the sum of the five people, you spend the most time with To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be world It’s our differences that truly connect us You attract who your being Be the change you want to see in the world Today’s Links: Mickey Mouse –Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsjEVjwSxpM The funniest rendition of The 12 Days of Christmas you will ever hear: Straight no Chaser – 12 Days – Original 1999 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fe11OlMiz8 Let these children help you understand the way that GOD was thinking before the first Christmas: An Unexpected Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM1XusYVqNY One guy singing all the harmonies and having a blast: It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU3StPwbIWw From the blockbuster ‘The Secret’ Marci shares a story that will change your life: Marci Shimoff – Lost my Sight but gained my vision http://www.thekickasslife.com/podcasts/003-marci-shimoff/ From the blockbuster ‘The Secret’ Lisa shares a process that will change your life if you choose to adopt it every day: Lisa Nichol’s Secret for Self Love...
250 – Cliff Ravenscraft – The Podcast Mastermind – From Inbox Zero, To Living With Purpose
David is very excited to be talking to Cliff Ravenscraft. Cliff is the founder of The Podcast Mastermind and gspn.tv (Generally Speaking Production Network). Together with his wife, Stephanie and a few close friends, Cliff has produced over 3,100 podcast episodes; He is devoted to Entertainment, Family, Faith, Fitness, Career and Technology. Cliff is extremely passionate about podcasting and connecting with others who share the same passions, hopes and fears. On Today’s show Cliff will share: What he reads himself everyday to get to INBOX zero. How he knew failure would not be an option. What television show his first PODCAST was devoted to and how he grew from this. How Cliff and his wife Stephanie have helped so many people going through life struggles. Finding friendships through having the same passions. What was his life before Podcasting? VALUE and IMPACT the followers you do have. Helping people who share the same interests, passion CONNECT with each other. Why consider podcasting? What an amazing show! Through Podcasting, Cliff’s life has changed, he has impacted and helped so many people and he has combined his faith, his passions and along with his family, lives a purpose every day. Useful links: http://PodcastAnswerMan.com http://LearnHowToPodcast.com http://PodcastingAtoZ.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Ravenscraft http://Twitter.com/GSPN http://Facebook.com/CliffRavenscraft Songs from today:...
600 Seconds – 026 – Erik Coover – BE the Things You Want in Your Life
Special guest Erik Coover gives today’s 10 minute kick in the bum, and tells a story about he and David in Costa Rica and how a family there completely changed his perspective. Have a listen! To get your free download, just go to...