294 – Andrea Owen – 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life

294 – Andrea Owen – 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life

Today David is so GRATEFUL to be interviewing Andrea Owen.  Andrea owns the ‘YOUR KICKASS LIFE’ brand and has allowed David to share part of this name to use for this podcast over the years!  Andrea is an author, coach mentor, and certified life coach who helps women get what they want by facing their fears and limiting beliefs that are holding them back, taking radical action along the way, and stepping into their own kick-ass version of themselves. She has helped hundreds of people manage their inner-critic to break through and live their most kick-ass life. When she’s not juggling her full coaching practice, Andrea is busy playing roller derby under the name “Veronica Vain”, competing in triathlons, chasing her 6 year-old son and 4 year-old daughter or making out with her husband, Jason. Today Andrea will talk about:  Why she chose to live a Kickass Life. Her journey and why she decided to write her book 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life. Her fears and what helps her move forward. Getting her Book Deal and the process. Tips to create a following. Some of her favorite chapters in the book. Apologize from your HEART. The importance of giving a straight answer. Being authentic. Why do so many of us say YES and want to PLEASE others? What a beautiful show! Andrea is amazing and fun, she shares so many touching stories about her life and her book.  This is a must read, and will resonate with so many of us. Useful Links: http://facebook.com/yourkickasslife www.yourkickasslife.com   Book: 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life by Andrea Owen (Kindle)...

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065 – Andrea Owen on Dealing with Holiday Stress!

065 – Andrea Owen on Dealing with Holiday Stress!

She is back by popular demand, the wonderful, zany, and badass Andrea Owen helping us navigate the holidays with her powerful 7-Step System that will help you make this the best holiday season ever. As ever she brings out the silly side of your host and KickAss buddy, David. You can find her and her amazing work at...

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039 – Andrea Owen: Hellraiser, Life Coach, Mom, Writer, and Roller Derby Rebel

039 – Andrea Owen: Hellraiser, Life Coach, Mom, Writer, and Roller Derby Rebel

Andrea is passionate about empowering people to value themselves and fiercely love who they are. Listen in as David and Andrea talk about how you can manage your own inner critic and then leverage the law of attraction and step into your own badass self If you want to live a kickass life then listen to this show…. Download Andrea’s Great eBook: 21 Tips & Tools for a Kickass Life; No Bullsh*t Included  ...

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285 – Crystal Flaman – Unlock Your Passion and Purpose

285 – Crystal Flaman – Unlock Your Passion and Purpose

Social Entrepreneur and Athlete, Crystal Flaman.  David is extremely excited to have the opportunity to interview this amazing woman who lives here in beautiful Kelowna!  Crystal’s is the owner of the Kelowna International Hostel, an international travellers hostel in BC, Canada, an 11 x Ironman finisher, 273 km Ultra-marathoner and she has cycled across Canada on the first tandem bike to cross the country, with her twin sister.   She’s the creator of Imagine The Ripple Effect and the Inspiring Tin Of Wisdom, that now has 7 different themes and she’s also the author of The 90 Day Intentional Living Challenge and has just written A Village Inspired (Simple Ideas To Live A Long, Healthy and Happy Life). Her personal mission in life is to make a difference in the world. She’s raised over 1.4 million dollars for various charities including the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Diabetes Association and Room To Read through her work and athletic endeavours.     On today’s show Crystal will share: How words of encouragement are so powerful. Her experience and how she started doing Ironman’s and then on to Ultra Marathons. The importance of surrendering to what is going on with you, being open with your heart and mind. How to discover what your are truly made of. Having a RIPPLE EFFECT and what this means to Crystal. How the Tin of Wisdom was born and what it is. Great tips on how to be accountable and following through on things you set out to do. Making our journey from our heads to our hearts and from success to significance Crystal is so kind and her language is beautiful.   She shares amazing stories of being an athlete, going on amazing adventures, how she became an owner of a local hostel and about her HEART wanting to BURST open.  She is so very kind and is truly living a kickass life. You don’t want to miss this amazing show and be sure to listen to the end! Contact Crystal and she will help you to find out your purpose, you will clearly know this in about 3 minutes.  Email her at [email protected].   Favorite Quotes:  “We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.” “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of...

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205 – Purpose: Oprah Winfrey’s Ultimate Success

205 – Purpose: Oprah Winfrey’s Ultimate Success

The two most important days are the day that you’re born, and the day that you discover why Mark Twain   Have you ever wondered why you were born and what you’re purpose in Life is? Today, David explores some of Oprah’s 25 years of experience in the area of discovering and living a life on purpose. Listen in as Oprah shares in her own words why passion is purpose and why every person on earth can find their own stage in which to make a difference in the world. http://www.oprah.com/showinfo/The-Oprah-Winfrey-Show-Finale What you will learn on todays show: How everyone is called to purpose What your job is in life The difference between purpose and passion Why your view of life as you look back and how you are going to feel is so important. What to do if your purpose does not pay the bills The joy and juice from doing what you’re meant to be doing What passion or purpose does inside your body How you can aluminate the world Where your true power lies Where your power lies to change someone’s life Oprah’s favorite story about popping zits How David found his calling at one of his low points in his life How often you can find your purpose at the darkest of times. The Power of Passion Why deciding is so important Advice for young people to discover their passion and purpose In the end, its not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away Today’s Music Choices: Lady Gaga http://ladygaga.com Andrea Bocelli http://www.andreabocelli.com/en/#!/home  Celine Dion http://www.celinedion.com/ca/splash-lmbtl-single Tina Turner http://www.tinaturnerofficial.com Miley Cyrus http://www.mileycyrus.com     Be what you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind Dr....

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