100 – Screwing up to WIN with Dan Martell
Dan Martell is a serial Entrepreneur who’s aha moment at one of his darkest moments and launched Dan to become a successful entrepreneur, angel investor and mentor many start up companies. His current company www.clarity.fm has a goal of positive impact on 1 Billion people in the next decade. After one person saw in him, something that he had not seen in himself, he began his journey that he thanks some great people and a little luck for. At 18 he started a biz and failed At 20 he started another biz with borrowed family money and failed At 24 he started again when he realized that he wanted to create something bigger than himself and succeeded. Along the way he has learnt some very important life and business lessons. Below are some of his tips for success that he shares on the show. First: Screwing up is normal – When you are screwing up it does not mean that “You’re a Screw Up” “Your not a screw up, your just screwing up” When starting out: Find someone mentors who have recently done that thing that you want to do next, spend time with them and model them and what they are doing that is creating success. Then you can prove to yourself that it’s not that hard and that they are not as smart as you first thought they were. You’re not supposed to know the answers, as entrepreneurs we are not meant to know the first time, be a beginner first Remember one of my favorite sayings “Every Master was Once a Disaster”. All things are possible, A person just has to decide – In the end Its just a decision. Asked for some specific for some of his big aha’s, Dan shared these pearls of wisdom: When you have that feeling that you should do something, simply say F*@*k Yes or Heck Yes and start moving forward – Take Action Today. Stop talking about it and move your ideas forward. Understand the Knowing-Doing Gap (When you know inside that you should do something and just continue to sit on it) – So just DO IT. Embrace uncertainty and ignorance, in the beginning and often along the journey you will not know so make uncertainty your friend Perspective: Ask not if your worthy of your goals, ask if your goals are worthy of your life – Its not “do I deserve to have these things” the better question is “are these things worthy of me investing my life into them” Surround yourself with the right people, the people that will PLUS your ideas. Surround yourself with people who will...