253 – 600 Seconds – What Is Love & How Do You Find Love

253 – 600 Seconds – What Is Love & How Do You Find Love

Today, David discusses his personal journey to discover what love truly is and how to find it. David explores this important topic of ‘what is love’ and ‘how do I find love’.  He shares some straight shooting experience from his personal adventures and life and from working with countless others to help them find the love they long for in their life. Explored on the show,  David defines ultimately that love is when two souls that can be together and totally accept our own and each other’s imperfections. What you will learn today: Where the ultimate power for love lies Why you attract the people you do The more you love yourself, the more  you will attract those who will love yourself This week’s homework: Notice who you are attracting Notice the relationship you are in now Are you whole, are you full or are you hiding? Are you able to be yourself? Are you unhappy because you cannot be yourself? Links from today’s show: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Top_10_most_searched_things_on_Google http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/dec/13/what-is-love-five-theories   Today’s useless facts include: Crocodile’s tongue is attached to the top of their mouth Postage stamps in England are the only country that does not write the name of their country on the stamp Koala’s never drink water. They only get their fluids from Eucalyptus leaves. Elephants only sleep 2 hours per...

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252 – Assk Dave (& Jen) – Why You Are The Best Investment & How To Create A Kick Ass Life

252 – Assk Dave (& Jen) – Why You Are The Best Investment & How To Create A Kick Ass Life

On todays show David takes you along to one of the most incredible parties he has thrown for a LONG, LONG time and introduce you to some Kickass Life Practitioners who get to Assk Dave a question. Todays Show Dedicated to – His students who traveled on planes, cars, busses, taxi’s boats and their feet to come to Belize so that they could invest in themselves, many of whom are Kickass Life Practitioners. What you will learn on Todays Show: How to create a kickass life Why ‘YOU’ are the best investment that you can ever make What happens when you step outside your comfort zone What Dave would do if he were 13 in order to create a Kickass Life One mans journey from unhappy to fulfilled and happy The Thatch Caye experience from the mouths of the guests A peek inside the Belizean culture Join me on Facebook www.davidonfacebook.com Todays Quotes: It is impossible to discover new oceans, unless you first have the courage, to leave sight of the shore   The Person who flips a coin at every crossroad Will often arrive first at their destination   Todays Links: MLM Myth Buster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFXJe8XAIi0 Thatch Caye Belize...

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251 – Solo – Finding and Pursuing Your Path to Your Happiness – with special guests Peta, Sanj, Chris and Jen

251 – Solo – Finding and Pursuing Your Path to Your Happiness – with special guests Peta, Sanj, Chris and Jen

Today, David checks in from Thatch Caye, Belize with Peta from Australia, Sanj from Toronto, Chris from Phoenix and and Jen to discuss the amazing activities and adventures they are doing this week on the island and their personal transformations.  This is a truly fantastic podcast with so many nuggets of real wisdom from people across the world who have made important changes in their lives. Things they discuss are: How to make the commitment to listen to our heart and Expecting more of ourselves to change ourselves Letting go of people in your life who aren’t celebrating you Discovering, listening to, and pursuing your ‘why’ The joy of retiring your mom and paying off her mortgage Changing from ‘traditional’ business path to personal development and financial freedom Dealing with being ‘angry’ and run down from a traditional ‘JOB’ Regaining you youth and innocence Getting out of the common rat race Breaking through the ‘fear’ that stops people from making the necessary change The difference between ‘being interested’ and ‘being committed’ The power of believing in yourself Changing from dabbling to committing so you can drive your own success Destroying the limiting belief of “you’re never good enough” The importance of daily gratitude The value of showing up as you and authenticity (who you really are and what feels good to you) and living a life of service Investing in YOURSELF Becoming the person that I was looking for   Books Mentioned today: The Go Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea – by Bob Burg and John David Man Magic of Thinking Big: Acquire the Secrets of Success … Achieve Everything Everything You’ve Always Wanted – by David J. Schwartz The Slide Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success  – by Jeff Olson Me Before You: – by Jojo...

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247 – Solo – Get Rid Of Your Crap

247 – Solo – Get Rid Of Your Crap

On todays show, join David as he chills to the sounds of the Ocean lapping at the shore as he is preparing to run a 5 day program at the stunning Thatch Caye Belize. www.thatchcayebelize.com He has students flying in from Australia, Canada and USA and reflects on the idea of Freedom and what would happen if we truly simplify and get rid of our crap. What You Will Learn on Todays Show: How you can write yourself into a new script What it means to design your life How a couple sold everything and wrote themselves and their young daughter into a great adventure The 7 Ways to Simplify Your Life George Carlin Talks About Stuff (Comedy) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvgN5gCuLac Todays Song:  Mammas & Pappas – California Dreaming   Todays Quotes:  Is Freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish?  Nothing Else   Our Freedom can be measured by the number of things we can  Walk away from.    Useful Links: 7 Ways to Simplify Your Life http://bemorewithless.com/7-ways-to-simplify-your-life/   TEDxAsheville – Adam Baker – Sell your crap. Pay your debt. Do what you love....

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246 – Michael Mataluni – Kick Ass Dad Podcast – Passionate Parenting In A Volatile World

246 – Michael Mataluni – Kick Ass Dad Podcast – Passionate Parenting In A Volatile World

David is excited to have Michael Mataluni joining him today.   Michael is a proud father of 3 children.  He is a successful author of a podcast entitled Kick Ass Dad | Passionate Parenting in a Volatile World and has become an influential voice in the Personal Development community. He is very passionate about raising the consciousness of individuals and families. And his focus on service is paramount to his mission. Michael is currently creating community gardens that bring neighbors together for a common purpose. He believes that it is by healing the family, that we can heal our communities and ultimately the world. He works with Kauses4Kids to develop community centers that give poor children access to musical instruments, cutting edge education, and sustainable agriculture. On Today’s show you will learn:  What inspired Michael? Challenges of being a DAD. When to mentor your kids. You don’t have to be a PERFECT parent to be a GREAT parent. What we see in our kids, why we over protect our kids. Love is not ENOUGH. Look at your actions and ask great questions. Kids will EXCEL at something they are good at. What ENERGIZES you? Having a Purpose. This is an amazing show, Michael has a very gentle heart, is loving father and today he will share some of his Myths on parenting and how he can help you find out what you’re passionate about, what are you good at and how you can see results. Make sure you tune into Michael’s show and learn more about being a Kick Ass Guy, Dad & Parent. Ten Parenting myths and how to destroy them Useful links: http://kickassdadblog.com Kick Ass Dad | Passionate Parenting in a Volatile World   Todays Songs:  Paul Simon – Father & Daughter Cat Stevens – Father & Son   Todays Quotes:  Experience is something you get just after you need it   “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”  ― Albert Einstein   Children must be taught how to think  Not what to think...

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