283 – 10 Simple Ways to Live a Kickass Life
After pulling an all-nighter with his guy friends David reflects on some of the quotes that he has written that truly help him live a KickAss Life and shares the Top Ten Songs of all time put out by Rolling Stone Magazine. Join David at one of his upcoming events: Perth-Sydney-Belize www.amplifiednetwork.com/events Win Free One on One Coaching with David: Simply write a review on iTunes for either show – The Kickass Life – Amplified Network Marketing Take a screen shot of your review and post it on our Amplified Network Marketing page. Once a month you will have a chance to be picked, as your name will stay in the hat until your chosen Top Ten Songs: Ray Charles – What’d I Say – 1959 Nirvana – Smells like Teen Spirit – 1991 Beatles – Hey Jude – 1968 Chuck Berry – Johnny Be Good – 1958 Beach Boys – Good Vibrations – 1966 Aretha Franklin – Respect – 1965 Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On – 1971 John Lennon – Imagine – 1971 The Rolling Stones – I Can’t Get No Satisfaction – 1965 Bob Dylan – Like a Rolling Stone – 1965 Today’s Quotes by David T.S. Wood “Tell the truth all the time with compassion.” – David T.S. Wood “Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first.” – David T.S. Wood “Every Master was Once a Disaster including Moi!!” – David T.S. Wood “In order to truly succeed in life you have to Stop taking advice from Broke unhappy people” – David T.S. Wood “Drugs, alcohol and tattoos was the way young people used to rebel. Not any more, The ‘New Rebellion’ for Young People is creating physical and finical freedom for themselves and their families so that they can do more, be more and have more. Do yourself a favor and join the rebellion.” -David T.S. Wood “The Definition of the word FEAR is ‘The Anticipation of Pain’ To Anticipate something is to imagine it being real Our Fear then only exists in our imagination, its a made up story Maybe its time to make up a new story and conquer that FEAR What would you do TODAY if you were not AFRAID??” – David T.S. Wood “The next time someone is negative, rejects or is nasty to you and it slows you down or even worse stops you altogether, imagine that they just threw up all over you and you chose to pick up a spoon and eat it. Success tastes better.” – David T.S.Wood “If you want to attract amazing relationships, great people and lots of money into your life then...
282 – Mark Divine – Developing Your Unbeatable Mind
Today David is extremely excited to be chatting with Mark Divine. Mark served in the U.S. Navy SEALs for 20 years, retiring as a commander. He is an author and the founder of SEALFIT, NavySeals.com, and U.S. CrossFit, he has started and led six multimillion– dollar business ventures. He has coached thousands of Navy SEAL and other Special Operations candidates with a success rate near 90 percent. Mark now trains the public in the eight ways of the SEAL principles through his Unbeatable Mind Academy. In this Amazing Beautiful Interview Mark shares: The feeling of challenging yourself beyond your PHYSICAL & MENTAL limits. How he became a Navy Seal and visualizing himself in this career and feeling FULFILLED. The importance of having a positive attitude and how IMPORTANT it is to learn mental toughness and control. His breathing technique and what this can do for you. Setting a micro goal, think about today, not tomorrow or yesterday. What a day looks like Mark. Mark shares the importance of mediation, settling your mind and really listening to the whispers of soul. His words are beautiful and he truly lives a Kickass Life! Useful Links: http://wayofthesealbook.com/ (Mark’s Book) http://www.unbeatablemind.com/ http://www.sealfit.com/hp/ http://navyseals.com/ Today’s Songs: Sweet Home Alabama – Lynryd Skynyrd Comin’ Home – Lynyrd Skynyrd Find David’s new show – www.amplifiednetworkmarketing.com Facebook Page for New show: http://fb.com/ampdnm ...
281 – 600 Second Series – How To Design Your Life
David shares with you a strategy that will definitely impact every area of your life by designing your life and having an active Bucket List – A list of things that you will do before you die. What You Will Learn: When to get started Why a Journal The importance of BIG thinking The importance of small thinking Where to get new ideas Why starting today is so important Todays Songs: Live Like You Were Dying – Tim McGraw What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong Todays Comedy with Brian Regan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVRVA3mun3Q Todays Quote: “Live each day as if it’s your very first day and your very last day And it will be filled with fascination, wonder and urgency” David T.S. Wood Find David’s new...
280 – Meditation Series – Jen Newman – #2 – A Meditation on Love and Kindness
Welcome to the Second show in our meditation series. David has invited his wonderful partner Jen on the show to facilitate one of the 5 proven practices of happiness. Use this 15 minute practice to be sure 2014 is truly beautiful and Kickass. What you will learn on todays show: How to use the creative power to rid yourself of stress How a 15 minute daily practice can tap into the infinite creative potential that is within you How to focus you mind so that you can achieve a greater sense of peace and kindness at will How to switch off from the noise and really become present How to achieve your goals and dreams more elegantly Join me on Facebook www.davidonfacebook.com Join Jen on Facebook www.facebook.com/zenjenhappitude Today’s Quote: Our circumstances do not define the outcomes in our lives, It’s our daily choices and habits that will ultimately determine the outcomes in our lives -David T. S. Wood Today’s Songs Enya – Only Time Enya – Orinoco...
279 – Warren Buffett’s 10 Ways to Get Rich
Today, David discusses the ever important topic of money, money, money! For most of us, there is a point in our lives when we do not have enough money to buy life’s essentials. David talks about his story when he arrived to Kelowna, British Columbia and simply stepped off the bus with his back pack and nothing else and how he focused his effort and drive, step by step, to get him to the lifestyle he currently leads of service, generosity and wealth. He shares his lessons learned and discusses some key tips for creating wealth from someone he admires for his consistent and noble path for success, Warren Buffett. Useful Links: Warren Buffett’s 10 Ways to Get Rich The Best Advice Warren Buffet Ever Recieved (YouTube) Todays Songs: Money Honey – Lady Gaga Money – Pink Floyd Money Make Her Smile – Bruce Mars Money – Grace Potter & The Nocturnals Money For Nothing – Dire Straits Todays Quotes: Money was never a big motivator for me, Except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game -Donald Trump “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love Don’t make money your goal, Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you” -Maya Angelou Find David’s new...
278 – Robert & Terri TallTree – Aligning Your Mind, Body & Spirit to Find and Connect with Your Purpose
David is very excited to be interviewing Robert & Terri TallTree. Robert & Terri are beautiful connected people who have touched many around the world with their powerful message and presence. Nationally renowned speakers and trainers, they have appeared on PBS, the BBC, Animal Planet and Discovery Channel. The TallTree’s are living proof that miracles happen and dreams come true when you align your Mind, Body and Spirit. Today the TallTree’s will share; The Corporate world, stress levels and our society and how it affects us. Staying connected and being aware, not just living from the neck up. Their beautiful perspective and how they see everything. Reclaiming yourself, getting in touch with your younger self. What is Energetic Connection and reconnecting? Having a purpose and knowing you are good enough. How forgiveness is so IMPORTANT, learning from your mistakes and moving forward. Awaken your mind and listen in to this beautiful, amazing show, which will captivate you from the start! Robert & Terri have a very special gift for all of you, please go to How To Live on Purpose Todays Quotes: Don’t be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone Todays Songs: Willie Nelson- On The Road Again Willie Nelson – Always on my Mind Useful Links: The Talltree’s http://thetalltrees.com/ The Gift ‘The 7 Quests’ http://howtoliveonpurpose.com/ Robert Tall Tree on Flute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRPv382HV08 Healing Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfNgWhdxsyM Prayer Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTgyWWBwlxY&list=RDyfNgWhdxsyM...