211 – One Action to Change Your Life

211 – One Action to Change Your Life

Today David records his show live from San Miguel Mexico as he prepares to leave after a life changing and memorable week. He reads one review from iTunes (Have you left a review yet? https://thekickasslife.com/subscribe) from Adam c Mc who shares all the different ways that he has changed his life and allowed that change to impact his wife and his kids. As David read Adam’s review, he was inspired to put a challenge out to ALL Kickass Life practitioners to take one action this week that you have put off for years: Start taking lessons to play the Saxophone Start a cooking class Start taking Dance Classes Start Singing lessons Book A Trip to Somewhere New (That you have put off for years) Start writing your book Start Learning a NEW Language One of our amazing guests, Tim Ferriss, taught us about rapid learning: Listen to this show to get a head start on learning something new   Take one ACTION that will change how you live your life!   See you on the other...

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210 – Assk Dave (& Jen) –  Your Listener Questions from Facebook

210 – Assk Dave (& Jen) – Your Listener Questions from Facebook

Dave and Jen are at it again, answering your questions from Facebook. Every Friday, we post a request for your questions on our Kickass Life Facebook page. To ask your questions, just write on the Kickass Life Facebook Wall:  (http://davidonfacebook.com) Please, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast!

 Also, consider clicking the link to the right and donating to the show. Everything counts! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers! David...

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209 – Secrets to UNLOCK YOUR Millionaire Mind

209 – Secrets to UNLOCK YOUR Millionaire Mind

Quote: ‘My Wealth can only Grow to the Extent that I Grow Myself’ As Promised, David delves into the secrets of YOUR Millionaire Mind and gives you a clear look at some things you can do today to change your money habits and create lasting wealth. What you will learn on todays show: The meaning of wealth What may be holding you back from creating wealth. “The Success Cycle” and how you can use it for your advantage How to challenge your number Money working, business working. Just not YOU Watch Brian Tracey as he shares the 5 Reason why most people don’t become wealthy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c2RrJ9ykr4 Watch Tony Robbins as he shares the 5 keys to wealth and happiness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K34N2PAUdn4 Books to Read: Like Listening to Books More? Get a FREE Audiobook of your choice by clicking here! Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! The Next Millionaires The Business of the 21st...

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208 – Warren MacDonald Survives, Thrives, and Inspires

208 – Warren MacDonald Survives, Thrives, and Inspires

Today David can’t express how EXCITED he is to be interviewing this Amazing guest, Warren MacDonald, Warren’s life changed in April 1997 when he took a trip to Hinchinbrook Island to climb one of the islands tallest peaks, he became trapped beneath a one-ton-boulder in a rock fall for two days.  Hear what happened to him on this compelling episode. His films have been acclaimed worldwide, screening on National Geographic TV and winning eight international awards including grand prize at the Banff Mountain Film Festival. Today Warren will talk about: The night of his accident and what he had to get through Meeting Geert van Keulen Geert’s journey to get help and what he went through Warren’s emotions and his thoughts What saved his life Struggling to stay alive When the helicopter came and how he was rescued, his time at the hospital How he felt when the doctor told him horrible news Making choices Most important lessons You don’t want to miss this show, what an amazing touching story. Warren’s love for adventure and climbing only got more interesting after the accident!   He became the first double above-knee amputee to reach the summit of Mr. Kilimanjaro. Warren’s book “A Test of Will” is an Australian Best Seller. Useful links: http://www.warren-macdonald.com/index.php http://www.thesolutionrevolution.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/warrenmacdonald http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_5k_v2K5ak http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Against-All-Odds/10 Join The Kickass Life Peak Performance System CLICK HERE to be part of this elite...

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207 – 6 Tips for a Kickass Week

207 – 6 Tips for a Kickass Week

Todays Show Dedicated to – Calvin Wood  Calvin’s Song Choice:  Toothless Hawkins & his Robot Jazz Band Today David Shares 6 things that you can do to set every week up as a Kickass Week! What you will learn:  Why how you spend your weekend is so important Why wishing your week away sucks Why the best meeting has no one there It’s green and slimy and it’s worth eating Why finishing something early is so important Why quickies add to momentum Robin Williams – (careful if you don’t like blue language) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69xouoc_4ao Monty Python “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo Todays Bands Varien – Toothless Hawkins & his Robot Jazz Band The Troggs – Wild Thing Crazy Frog – Axel F Queen – Another one bites the dust Miguel – Quickie How to plan your week and have greater productivity ...

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206 – The Assk Dave & Jen Show

206 – The Assk Dave & Jen Show

Hey everyone I am so excited to announce that we are moving to FOUR shows: Monday: The 600 Second (10min) Monday kick in the butt Tuesday: The One-Hour Show with A World Class Guest Thursday: The 30-Minute Show where David Rides Slow Saturday: The Assk Dave & Jen Show Gratitudes David and Jen share their daily gratitude’s that they share with their family on a daily basis. Talking of Gratitudes: I wanted to thank all of you who have taken the time to post your questions on Facebook and of course your songs and dedications. Love D & J See below the resources that were mentioned on the show In answer to Joe White’s question with regards to resources for Real Estate investing in Canada Darren Weeks ‘Fast Track Cash Flow’ has worked with me in the past and works closely with Robert Kyosaki and his team http://www.fasttracktocashflow.com/about/darren/ Another great question from Steven Green about his 80 year old father law with regards to finding passion after losing his wife This is a beautiful story and the song is a true love story. She Gave me 75 Years – A Love Song http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2401655/She-gave-75-years-life-96-year-old-man-enters-heartbreaking-song-wrote-late-wife-contest-producers-record-iTunes.html Here is an article with regards to bereavement and moving forward with your life The Emotional Toll of Spousal Morbidity and Mortality http://humannaturelab.net/wp-content/themes/human-nature-lab/m http://humannaturelab.net/wp-content/themes/human-nature-lab/media/pdf/publications/articles/079.pdfedia/pdf/publications/articles/079.pdf Yael Urszuy asked a great question for teens, she is 16 and a beautiful light in this universe Teen Entrepreneur – The Bubble Gum Machine  http://19andunderentrepeneur.blogspot.ca/2012/12/passive-income.html World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms http://www.wwoof.net/ Thanks all and we will see you on Mondays show The 600 Sec show. See you on the other...

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