
KickAssk Dave 3: Jen Newman & Belinda Bekkers (Questions from Facebook) [PODCAST]

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KickAssk Dave 3: Jen Newman & Belinda Bekkers (Questions from Facebook) [PODCAST]

David shares some fun facts in his usual silly way….Here they are…. One out of ten children in Europe are conceived on an IKEA bed.  Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes. An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.  In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees.  Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.  The youngest pope was 11 years old. Go to and assk your question and Dave will take time to answer it on one of his shows. QUESTIONS: Jen Newman asks:  How did you support yourself financially while backpacking for 10 years and how does it relate to your success today? (David backpacked for 10.5 years around the world and in that time had to work in almost every country…Here is what he shared on the show.) David:  “Being able to connect quickly with people as if they have known you your own life is a key to finding work, building relationships and really having a KICKASS life. People go out of their way to help you when you have a deeper connection” David regularly gets huge discounts when buying things because he has such a great time, or never pays for extra baggage because the person waves the fee. “I would decide what I wanted to do and where I wanted to do it,  Many people never consciously decide exactly where to live and exactly what to do, they end up somewhere. Make it a conscious decision. Treat getting a job like a job, put 8-9 hours in a day. If people put in 8 hours a day and not be too proud to take a lower station job in order to get into the company that you want.” David worked as Harv Ekers goffer and did everything for him, got his food, carried his bags, cleaned up after him etc  in order to break into the training world. “Work for FREE and prove yourself if needed” David volunteered for Harv and never got paid, he also worked for FREE many times around the world. Work hard and do more than you are asked, go the extra mile and do what is unexpected. Add a little extra to everything you do. Have a great attitude – Attitude creates Latitude Leave something behind when you meet people, a light, an energy so people miss you, work on the connection Belinda Bekkers: I would like to know how do you decide what project/path to work on when you’re inspired to try a whole lot at once? What do you do when they all seem like great ideas but you don’t have the time to commit to exploring and/or working on them all at once? Ask yourself if it’s about money and if it is, focus on the project that will reward you most financially. It’s ok to make it about the money even if you’re a conscious person. Figure out how do I turn your Passions into your income Or you can choose the thing that takes the least amount of time yet still fills you up as time is often a thing that stops us Learn how to get faster at achieving the things that you want. Look at Meta Learning – Tim...

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104 – Making Sense of The Boston Bombing – A Tribute to Martin Richard

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104 – Making Sense of The Boston Bombing – A Tribute to Martin Richard

David pays tribute and dedicates the show to 8 year old Martin Richard who lost his life in the Boston Bombing. This show is about hope, in a world that can appear very violent through the media outlets yet the statistics show clearly that world is less violent and is becoming less every year. David shares work by Steven Pinker that show that violence is in decline. David also shares his experience with the wars in Ireland and Israel that he experienced personally and he shares his experience with the youth guerillas in Guatemala. David talks about how education can help end the cycles of violence and hatred that separate people from each other and shares how education can free young girls in third world countries from child marriages, mutilation through circumcision, teenage pregnancy and more He asks you the listener to listen to your own judgments of others and challenges you to build bridges of understanding between and those that you are in conflict with or in judgment of. As Kickass Life practitioners we can build a better world one person at a time, one less judgment at a time. His call to action is one of hope. Some notes from a Stephen Pinker article that David shared on the show:  WASHINGTON POST — It seems as if violence is everywhere, but it’s really on the run. Yes, thousands of people have died in bloody unrest from Africa to Pakistan, while terrorists plot bombings and kidnappings. Wars drag on in Iraq and Afghanistan. In peaceful Norway, a man massacred 69 youths in July. In Mexico, headless bodies turn up, victims of drug cartels. This month eight people died in a shooting in a California hair salon. Yet, historically, we’ve never had it this peaceful. That’s the thesis of three new books, including one by prominent Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker. Statistics reveal dramatic reductions in war deaths, family violence, racism, rape, murder and all sorts of mayhem. In his book, Pinker writes: “The decline of violence may be the most significant and least appreciated development in the history of our species.” And it runs counter to what the mass media is reporting and essentially what we feel in our guts. Pinker and other experts say the reality is not painted in bloody anecdotes, but demonstrated in the black and white of spreadsheets and historical documents. They tell a story of a world moving away from violence. In his new book, “The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined,” Pinker makes the case that a smarter, more educated world is becoming more peaceful in several statistically significant ways.  His findings are based on peer-reviewed studies published by other academics using examinations of graveyards, surveys and historical records: _ The rate of genocide deaths per world population was 1,400 times higher in 1942 than in 2008. _ There were fewer than 20 democracies in 1946. Now there are close to 100. Meanwhile, the number of authoritarian countries has dropped from a high of almost 90 in 1976 to about 25 now. Pinker says one of the main reasons for the drop in violence is that we are smarter. IQ tests show that the average teenager is smarter with each generation. The tests are constantly adjusted to keep average at...

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103 – Sex, Passion, and Enlightenment with Satyen & Suzanne Raja

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103 – Sex, Passion, and Enlightenment with Satyen & Suzanne Raja

With the divorce rate so high Satyen & Suzanne are helping couples all over the world to re-ignite their passion. They truly walk the talk; they love each other and love their relationship.  They have helped so many others to put passion first! We’re also considering having Satyen & Suzanne host their own show on the Kickass Life network. If you liked the show, be sure and tell us on the Facebook Page!  What you’ll discover in this show: Are you missing the experience of Passion and want it, desire it, seek it? Satyen and Suzanne will talk about bringing couples closer. The will talk about “Polarity” and it’s magnetic arc of attraction between lovers. Learn about the “ISE Hot Potion” – Invitation, Surrendering and Expression Learn about “PCP” – Presence, Claim and Penetration The importance of putting your relationship first, before children, your career. Ask yourself, what do I want, be specific, have a wish list, a vision board and most importantly love you. How to be successful in your relationship: be intimate and passionate. Take it to the edge and bring your relationship alive, devour and ravish it! Links mentioned in the show:  Go to And take the Passion Pulse (Online Quiz): Read about Satyen and Suzanne’s story here. We Need Your Help! Thank you all for listening to this episode of The Kickass Life Podcast with David Wood! If you enjoyed this episode, please click the link below to show some Twitter love to Satyen & Suzanne and thank them for taking the time to be a guest on the The Kickass Life Podcast: Thank Satyen & Suzanne by Clicking Here <– And lastly, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers! ...

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KickASSK Dave, Episode 2 (Questions from Facebook)

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KickASSK Dave, Episode 2 (Questions from Facebook)

David fields a couple more questions from the Facebook page.  Today from Paul Mealus and Tracy Barthelson. (Ask your own question: Paul’s Question: Let’s say a beginner has a worthy, quantifiable goal they’ve set out to achieve. They now have a starting point and a goal, but there’s a giant knowledge gap in between. What are your favorite methods for bridging that knowledge gap? The “how to’s” are none of our business. Most people spend more time getting ready to get ready and never get into Action. Ready! Fire! Aim! Find out what you need to know and only what you need to know as you need it. (Don’t become an “over learner”)  Success comes from taking massive action! David shares how when he was cold calling training how he would learn what he needed to teach by actually going out with no information and learning as he went. 5.  Notice if you’re moving closer to your goal or not and change course if needed. Tracy’s Question: Was there one piece of advice that radically shiifted your thoughts/paradigm and changed your life? It came from a friend called Marlene who shared that for me to be everything I wanted to be in life that I would need to go back and talk to everyone that I was upset with, angry with or even hated, and share how I felt without any attachment to anything changing or anyone saying sorry. I did go back to England and spoke to everyone without ANY expectations, and it changed my life and freed me up to let love and goodness in. When you hold onto any anger or hatred, it’s like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. I now practice immediate forgiveness, coupled with 100% responsibility, so that when people are being mean or do or say something that is hateful, I simply forgive them and realize that it really has nothing to do with me. Immediate forgiveness was challenging at first, and the more I practiced not taking anything personally, the more powerful and caring I...

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102 – Live Life Like You’re Dying

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102 – Live Life Like You’re Dying

David received a call this week from a friend of his who is battling a very aggressive cancer. He looks at the choices that we can make today that will allow us all to live our life as if we are in that battle, as if we have been given the call and now know how long left we have. He challenges you to grasp your life by the horns today and truly live life like you’re dying, to love more, to forgive more and to embrace every moment as if its your last. He also shares the importance of personal range and shares his love of Country music!   Tim McGraw Live Like You Were Dying  He said “I was in my early forties With a lot of life before me And a moment came that stopped me on a dime I spent most of the next days Looking at the x-rays Talkin’ ’bout the options And talkin’ ’bout sweet time” I asked him “When it sank in That this might really be the real end How’s it hit you When you get that kind of news? Man, what’d you do?” He said “I went skydiving I went Rocky Mountain climbing I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu And I loved deeper And I spoke sweeter And I gave forgiveness I’d been denying” And he said “Someday I hope you get the chance To live like you were dying”   He said “I was finally the husband That most of the time I wasn’t And I became a friend a friend would like to have And all of a sudden going fishin’ Wasn’t such an imposition And I went three times that year I lost my dad I finally read the Good Book, and I Took a good, long, hard look At what I’d do if I could do it all again And then   I went skydiving I went Rocky Mountain climbing I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Blue Manchu And I loved deeper And I spoke sweeter And I gave forgiveness I’d been denying” And he said “Someday I hope you get the chance To live like you were dying Like tomorrow was a gift And you’ve got eternity To think about What you’d do with it What could you do with it What did I do with it? What would I do with it?   Skydiving I went Rocky mountain climbing I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Blue Manchu And I loved deeper And I spoke sweeter And I watched an eagle as it was flying” And he said “Someday I hope you get the chance To live like you were dying To live like you were dying To live like you were dying”

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101 – 15Five CEO David Hassell

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101 – 15Five CEO David Hassell

David is on the move, recording the show from the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.  Today’s chat is with Entrepreneur David Hassell.  Get your pen out…tons of nuggets in this show! David Hassell is a serial entrepreneur presently engaged in launching 15Five, a SaaS product that helps companies surface problems, celebrate wins, discover great ideas and stay tuned in to morale. It does this by gathering feedback from every employee on a weekly basis and bubbling up the key points. See He recently served as President of the San Francisco chapter of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO,, an International network of entrepreneurs who each have businesses with annual revenues in excess of $1mil, and was named “The Most Connected Man You Don’t Know in Silicon Valley” by Forbes, who has also featured him as an expert on entrepreneurship. In 2004, he co-founded Kite Adventures, an adventure travel company offering guided downwind tours and pro-coached kiteboarding camps in northeast Brazil. He is also co-founder of Endai Worldwide, a NYC-based Internet marketing and services firm founded in 1999, and served as the company’s CTO through 2006.  Endai has been recognized on the Inc 5000 list of fastest growing private companies in America. David holds a BSCPE in Computer Engineering from Tufts University, resides in San Francisco, and is an avid kiteboarder and skier. In his spare time, he likes to help entrepreneurs and their executive teams discover their company’s ideal strategy. Connect with David Hassell

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KickASSK DAVE, Episode 1, Starring Hadass and Troy.

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KickASSK DAVE, Episode 1, Starring Hadass and Troy.

Dave Assked you if you had any questions that he could answer for you on his 600 Second show, he is open to answer any question on money, health, travel, sex, relationships, fun, adventure, religion, politics, it could be about something your dealing with in your life, drugs addiction, business, success,  if you assk it he will answer it (if there is time) Today’s questions were from Hadass And Troy.  Thank you! Hadass Eviatar  – Hi David, I know your open heart and persistence have been major strengths in the incredible achievements of your life. I’m wondering, since all good things come in threes, whether there’s a third virtue we should be cultivating in our pursuit of the kickass life? Troy Swezey – What are a few of your all-time empowering movies and books to help energize, motivate or inspire you? Do you have any kickass songs? Do you have a collection of them like a mix-tape? (I listen to James Bond theme songs before important meetings etc.) The Answers Virtues Forgiveness- “Immediate Forgiveness” of self and others Don’t hold on to ANYTHING. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting them to die. G.O.Y,A get off your ASS and take action, and keep getting up when you fall coz “Every Master was Once a Disaster” Tel the Truth all the Time with Compassion Movies The Untouchables Apollo 13 Schindler’s List Bravehear Gladiator October Sky The Hangover 1 (2 was awfull) However, the best thing is still going to the movies and buying popcorn and hugging your date or sharing with the kids. Books The Road Less Travelled The Little Prince Think & Grow Rich The Prophet The Four Agreements 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Dr. Suess – Oh the Places you will go   And Soooooo many more…   Happy Saturday!  Thanks Hadass and Troy!  Keep your questions coming, and we’ll answer them next Saturday.  Just post to the Facebook page.  ...

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100 – Screwing up to WIN with Dan Martell

Posted by on 5:09 pm in 30 Minute Shows, Interview Shows, Podcasts | Comments Off on 100 – Screwing up to WIN with Dan Martell

100 – Screwing up to WIN with Dan Martell

Dan Martell is a serial Entrepreneur who’s aha moment at one of his darkest moments and launched Dan to become a successful entrepreneur, angel investor and mentor many start up companies. His current company has a goal of positive impact on 1 Billion people in the next decade. After one person saw in him, something that he had not seen in himself, he began his journey that he thanks some great people and a little luck for. At 18 he started a biz and failed At 20 he started another biz with borrowed family money and failed At 24 he started again when he realized that he wanted to create something bigger than himself and succeeded. Along the way he has learnt some very important life and business lessons. Below are some of his tips for success that he shares on the show. First: Screwing up is normal –  When you are screwing up it does not mean that “You’re a Screw Up”  “Your not a screw up, your just screwing up” When starting out: Find someone mentors who have recently done that thing that you want to do next, spend time with them and model them and what they are doing that is creating success. Then you can prove to yourself that it’s not that hard and that they are not as smart as you first thought they were. You’re not supposed to know the answers, as entrepreneurs we are not meant to know the first time, be a beginner first Remember one of my favorite sayings “Every Master was Once a Disaster”. All things are possible, A person just has to decide – In the end Its just a decision. Asked for some specific for some of his big aha’s,  Dan shared these pearls of wisdom: When you have that feeling that you should do something, simply say F*@*k Yes or Heck Yes and start moving forward – Take Action Today. Stop talking about it and move your ideas forward. Understand the Knowing-Doing Gap (When you know inside that you should do something and just continue to sit on it) – So just DO IT. Embrace uncertainty and ignorance, in the beginning and often along the journey you will not know so make uncertainty your friend Perspective: Ask not if your worthy of your goals, ask if your goals are worthy of your life – Its not “do I deserve to have these things” the better question is “are these things worthy of me investing my life into them” Surround yourself with the right people, the people that will PLUS your ideas. Surround yourself with people who will support you and your ideas, spend less time with people who are not passionate and energized because in the end they will suck you dry. Dan believes that instead of thinking Work – Life – Balance he just thinks LIFE as being all of those things, do things with people you love who inspire you, vacation with your business partners its all one. If your passionate about your work it is your life and will blend with all your relationships. Its possible to create one Big Amazing Life where you never speak about other people negatively, you speak about things that you are passionate about with people who are passionate....

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099 – Ana Neff , “The Freedom Junkie”

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099 – Ana Neff , “The Freedom Junkie”

David shares the importance of transparency and how it can become the source of our ultimate power. Also he introduces us to the wonderful and slightly crazy Ana Neff, AKA “The Freedom Junkie”, as she takes us behind the scenes of living a life that is full, passionate, exciting and completely rewarding. Strap in and hold on! In her own words: Hey there, fellow Freedom Junkie! I want you to know something: I love living an {unconventional} life of freedom, passion, and purpose. Really love it. Not only that, I’ve been through myriad soul-transforming adventures and misadventures which all taught me how to live passionately, authentically, and purposefully – every day. The biggest bonus? Freedom. And I want you to have that too. That is precisely why it is so important to me that YOU not waste any more of your precious life energy and freedom doing things YOU don’t want to be doing, or being someone you don’t want to be. I want you to create a life that is lived on YOUR own terms, in a way that you are proud of, with no regrets. Frankly, I don’t care what it looks like – I just want YOU to care, and YOU to be happy – no…ECSTATICALLY PASSIONATE – about it. In addition to being a Freedom Junkie™, I’m also a {transformational} life coach, guide, and mentor to passionate people like you – yes, YOU. If you weren’t passionate, you wouldn’t be here! I’ve chosen to serve and change the world in this way because the only thing I love as much as living my own amazing life is helping YOU have the confidence, clarity, self-love, and tools you need to live a life of freedom, adventure, and purpose on your own terms. Aside from going to a top coaching program, having a degree in Clinical Psychology, being a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (C-PCC)  and having two Master’s degrees from badass schools (I know some of y’all care about that kind of thing), here are a few of those aforementioned adventures (and misadventures): Survived cancer. Twice (kidney cancer and worse-than-superficial melanoma). And now thriving. Yup. I know…right?! Talk about reasons to ask, “WTF?” These two episodes in particular are ones that I really want YOU to benefit from, instead of having to go through them yourself. Please allow me to have done that for you. Almost became a Buddhist nun. Twice. Like, almost shaved my head and took vows of celibacy. For realz. The first was after doing a month-long meditation retreat in the foothills of the Himalaya in Nepal and realizing the whole point of being alive, for me, was to grow spiritually and serve others. And that was before I got cancer;) But I realized I learn more when in the throes of a passionate relationship. Go figure. Went to graduate school – twice. Once was to be a Family Nurse Practitioner and the second, to become a Midwife. Got divorced (not twice!). Great man. Wrong man. Got cheated on (once…but I suppose maybe twice;) Wrong man. Period. Found my super-freakin’-amazing-more-than-I-could-have-ever-imagined soul mate (and live blissfully with him in three different states – yay!) Lived out of my car (intentionally) for 7 years Worked as an international alpine climbing guide for 10 years. For realz....

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How the rich budget to get richer

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How the rich budget to get richer

David shares some of the strategies that he uses to create, maintain and expand wealth Poor dad said, “Live below your means.” Rich dad said, “Expand your means.” If you were to take a look at the difference between my poor dad’s budget and my rich dad’s budget, you’d understand the vast difference of mindset between the two statements above. My poor dad’s budget focused on cutting expenses to meet his income. It was important for him to pay everyone else and then enjoy what was left—if anything. My rich dad’s budget focused on increasing income. It was important for him to pay himself first and then taking care of his expenses. He said, “Most people use their budget as a plan to become poor or middle class rather than become rich. My budget is a plan to become rich.” Here are four tips my rich dad taught me about budgeting to become rich. #1 – A budget surplus is an expense. One of rich dad’s most important lessons was, “You have to make a surplus an expense.” What he meant is that most people view a surplus as an asset. They place their extra cash in the bank or they spend it on liabilities. Rather than view extra money as an asset, rich dad viewed it as an expense in the form of charity, investing and saving. Most people want to give to charity, invest in assets and save money, but the problem is that they view it as something to do after they’ve paid their expenses. By making these things expenses in his budget, my rich dad ensured that he would make them a priority. He called it paying himself first. #2 – Your expense column is a crystal ball. If you want to predict a person’s financial future, you have to look no further than the expense column. Here’s an example of two different expense columns: Person A: Person B: Donation to charity Six-pack of beer Savings New shoes Books on investing New TV Seminar on real estate Football tickets Gym dues (Another) six-pack of beer Personal coach Bag of potato chips   While that’s a humorous example, it’s not far from the truth. When you look at most people’s expense columns, they’re littered with payments to other people and for liabilities. In each case, expenses don’t go towards anything that will make money and only things that permanently take money out of your pocket. Take a look at your expense column. What does it say about you? #3 – Use assets to pay for liabilities. My poor dad was frugal and thought that was a virtue. If he wanted a luxury item, he’d simply deny himself that item. He said, “We can’t afford it.” My rich dad loved luxury and if he wanted a nice toy, he’d find a way to buy it. He wasn’t reckless with his money. Rather he was smart in how he made it work for him and used his financial education. He asked, “How can we afford it?” By increasing his assets, which increased his monthly cash flow, my rich dad used this money to purchase his luxury items and liabilities. If he wanted a nice car, he’d invest money until the asset produced the cash flow required to purchase...

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