176 – TEDx Speaker Tama Kieves: There is Something More for You
“You know There’s Something More for You…. Because you are Something More! Today David is interviewing Tama Kieves, Tama is an honors graduate from Harvard Law School, had a prestigious corporate law firm, which was very successful, but she always felt empty and haunted. She realized she needed to take a risk and live her life, most importantly follow her dreams. Tama will share with us: To have it all, but feeling empty How to follow your dreams Being courageous What it means to LISTEN The importance of doing something you love and find the connection How to trust yourself, to be inspired Having Freedom in life Be good and kind to yourself, don’t judge yourself and let the fears come up, remember you are unstoppable and enjoy your life’s journey! Listen to how alive Tama is, she is amazing and full of life! Useful links:
read moreAssk Dave (and Jen) #15 – Questions from Facebook
Dave and Jen are at it again, answering your questions from Facebook. Every Friday, we post a request for your questions on our Kickass Life Facebook page. To ask your questions, just write on the Kickass Life Facebook Wall: ( Please, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Also, consider clicking the link to the right and donating to the show. Everything counts! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers!...
read more174 – The 5 proven Habits of Happiness
David and Jen sit back and share the highlights of their Mind Body and Spirit experiential week on Thatch Caye Resort off the coast of Belize. What you will learn on this show: The five daily practices: Journaling Exercise Meditation Gratitude Random acts of kindness. ...
read more173 – Lisa Garr of The Aware Show
Based on a desire to live in a more conscious world, Lisa Garr created The Aware Show, a radio show about natural health, cutting-edge science, personal growth and spirituality. Since 1999, Lisa has hosted day-time talk radio program featuring best-selling authors and experts in the fields of spirituality and healing. She is considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational media programming. On today’s show, David has a fantastic chat with...
read more176 – Assk Dave 14 – Questions from Belize
LIVE! From Belize…it’s Saturday Ni…morning! David and Jen are joined by a few special guests in person on Thatch Caye Island in Belize. They are having a blast in the sun and fun, and we get to meet a few listeners from around the world. Have a listen to this really fun show! Thank you everyone for your donations. You guys are making a massive difference! xo ...
read more127 – Kickass Life Practitioners meet in Belize!
Happy Fourth! David records a show from Belize. Have a...
read more126 – Mastering Business with Michael Keating & Simon Leslie
On today’s show David is so excited to be interviewing two amazing people, and friends Michael Keating & Simon Leslie who are calling in from London. David met them both in Africa when they all climbed Kilimanjaro together. Michael & Simon brought some of their employees on this amazing once in a lifetime adventure. Today they will share their experience of climbing Kilimanjaro. They will take about how they started a very successful company called INK. INK is the world’s largest producers of Inflight media, which started with the inflight magazines. Today Michael and Simon will share with us: Their highlights from climbing Kilimanjaro. How Michael and Simon met in a bar in Beirut and started INK. Finding Exceptional People to work for their company, all over the world. What HappINKness is and how it helped their employees learn more about each other personally and professionally. What you can do to change the culture of your business and sales will go UP. Created a fun environment in the office. The importance of having a great business partner or mentor. Simon and Michael truly believe if you go about things for the right reasons, the rewards are far greater then if you don’t. Treat people the way you wanted to be treated. They truly live a kickass life and are passionate about freedom and traveling, experiencing the world just as Michael is right now in beautiful Belize at the Mind, Body & Spirit Retreat with David. Useful links:...
read moreAssk Dave #13 – Questions from Facebook (in Belize!)
Dave and Jen are at it again, answering your questions from Facebook. This time from beautiful Belize! Every Friday, we post a request for your questions on our Kickass Life Facebook page. Come visit us on Facebook here: ( Please, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Also, consider clicking the link to the right and donating to the show. Everything counts! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers! David...
read more125 – Become Bigger Than Your Obstacles
David is on his way to Belize for the transformational Mind, Body, and Spirit program. In the meantime, he talks about how to overcome your day to day obstacles: In this show, you will learn: The difference between a “level 10” person and a “level 5” person facing a problem or obstacle. How “becoming bigger” than your problems or obstacles is a major key to success. How predetermining your reactions to a problem or obstacle sets you up not only to face them, but to conquer them. Thank you for everyone that’s donated on the site! It really makes a huge difference, whether it’s 5 dollars or 500. (To donate, just click the “donate” link to the right) Also, David shares one of his favorite quotes by Teddy Roosevelt from The Man in the Arena: Excerpt from the speech “Citizenship In a Republic”, Delivered at the Sorbonne in Paris, 23 April, 1910. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor...
read more124 – Losing Your Mind, with Catherine Graves
Episode 124 – Losing Your Mind, with Catherine Graves Today David is excited to meet and interview first time author Catherine Graves, her book “Checking Out: An In-Depth Look At Losing Your Mind. Catherine will share with us her amazing life with her husband John and their six children, her personal experiences of her husband’s out of character behavior and how she suspected the worst and was not prepared for the actual nightmare that would change their lives forever. What you will learn today: How she found out her husband had brain cancer Making the toughest decision of her life and how she coped How important it is to take care of yourself and FORGIVE yourself The importance of Asking for HELP How important it is to have a WILL and discuss the content Catherine’s motivation to write this book, helped her to explain her experience and that there really is no RIGHT or WRONG way. WE all have a choices, enjoy every day, or have a crappy day and reset. Useful links:
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