024 – The Amazing Power of the Unknown
Join David as he shares his journey into the unknown, and how managing the fight or flight mechanism in his brain opened up a new world of wonder, possibilities, adventure and fun. Its also his Birthday week so check out some of the crazy stats that have happened since he blew out the birthday candles a year ago. Wanna help the show? Send an email to your 5 coolest friends, and tell them about it! Simply send them this link:...
022 – The 7 Steps to Happiness
Today David shares a training he teaches in his live shows. It’s a step by step exercise to help you take control of your own happiness. Thanks again for all of your great comments on the Facebook page and website, and for those that have left reviews and star ratings on iTunes, you’re making a huge difference to us! Love the show? Want to give back a bit? We’d like to get 300 reviews and ratings. We have 89 Right now. Leave a review and a rating at...
020 – Learn ANYTHING in 30 Days
In this week’s solo podcast, David takes a stroll on his property and shares the secret of learning any skill in 30 Days. It’s a huge help! Be sure to rate, subscribe and review the podcast on iTunes…it’s a huge help! Just pop on over to http://www.thekickasslife.com/pod, click on the “view in itunes” link, and take it from there? Need help, click the help button at the top of the...
018 – The Secret to Happiness – REVEALED!
David is up at the crack of dawn to record this solo podcast. He digs down into the true secret to happiness in one’s life. This one is not to be missed! Remember to subscribe, review, and rate on iTunes! It gives us a huge boost!...
010 – Airport Inspiration
David’s on the move, and records a show from the airport. He’s on the way to Bali, and shares a really inspirational story about how life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to...