234 – Courtney Smith – The Keys for Creating Huge Wealth Through Investing

234 – Courtney Smith – The Keys for Creating Huge Wealth Through Investing

David is very excited and grateful to be interviewing Courtney Smith all the way from KualaLumpur.  Courtney is an Expert in INVESTMENT.  He is a world renown trader, author of eight books, money manager, educator, and speaker. He is the only person in history to have a high ranked mutual fund, stock picking newsletter, futures newsletter, and hedge fund. Mr. Smith is also chairman of WealthBuilder LLC, an organization that is devoted to building great investors. The company provides training and mentoring for individual and institutional investors in stocks, futures, options and foreign exchange. Mr. Smith has appeared on over 1000 TV shows and spoken at hundreds of events. On Today’s show we will learn: What it means to be an investor Changing your mindset around money, and some steps to follow Trading and Your Ego Why you should follow simple rules of investing Who can out perform the Professionals Go to sites like Investopedia and find out more on what you can learn Ensure you are learning from a great teacher The importance of giving yourself 15 minutes a day to focus and learn, and can you do it? Saving money, creating a habit Courtney will share great stories of his experiences on TV and around the world. Make sure you go to Courtney’s website to connect with him and be sure to sign up for his daily E-Letters to learn so much more about investing and saving money. Useful links: Courtney Smith – Five Golden Keys of Investment Success (How-To Turbo Charge Your Investing!) – FREE CD How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange: A Guaranteed Income For Life by Courtney Smith Option Strategies: Profit-Making Techniques for Stock, Stock Index, and Commodity Options by Courtney Smith How to say thanks and connect with Courtney Smith:  http://courtneysmith.com @courtneydsmith Songs: ‘Cabaret’ – Money, Money Lady Gaga – Money Honey  ...

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