083 – Dr. Judy Kurianski Heals The World
Dr. Judy is “America’s Favorite Talk Show Guest”. She’s had innumerable appearances on Larry King, The Today Show, Sally, Ricki, CNN, and hundreds of other shows worldwide. For more information, visit http://www.drjudy.com We also talk about a new affiliate to TKL Podcast Network, and a VERY special guest on Thursday. For pics of the new studio and Kilimanjaro pictures, visit our Facebook page at http://davidonfacebook.com...
061 – Unlock your Authentic Self with Trisha Miltimore
Broadcasting from his Island in Belize, David shares how the Island has impacted him and his students over the past few days. He also shares a moment that he feels will forever change his 14 year old son Calvin’s life. His guest, Trisha Miltimore, is a Passion Ignitor. With over 12 years experience in her field, Trisha inspires women and youth to connect with their authentic selves, and to step “outside the box” towards self-awareness. From empowering keynote addresses, to intimate and interactive workshops, Trisha offers strategies to reach your goals, and flourish at the same time. Her down-to-earth style is refreshing. Her messages are clear, practical and transformational. An expert on self-image, Trish teaches how everything in life comes down to the relationship we have with ourselves. In addition to being a speaker, Trisha is a radio broadcaster and business leader. She knows first hand the hardships and privileges of entrepreneurialism-and what it takes to ignite and maintain an attitude of success. Trisha’s Events: HAVE FUN. BE FABULOUS. TRULY FLOURISH – March 2013, Vancouver BC. http://trishamiltimorevancouvermarch3-2013.eventbrite.com Website: http://contagious.ca/women-empowerment.php Connect http://www.twitter.com/goauthentic http://contagious.ca...
600 Seconds – 016 – Shocking Harvard Study about Longevity and Happiness.
Join David on this 600 Second Kickass Life Show from his hammock on Thatch Caye, as he shares a UCLA and Harvard Study on how to live longer, stronger and happier. ...
059 – Lisa Michaels 7 Powerful Secrets to Creating Your Dream Life
Honored by Hay House as one of their 2010 “Movers and Shakers.” Lisa Michaels, is a celebrated Elemental Wisdom Teacher, Speaker, Expert on Holistic Living and Author of “Natural Rhythms”. David shares how his journey was deeply impacted by the work he did with an Elemental Wisdom Teacher and how his connection with the natural realm has been instrumental in his own success. In Lisa Words….. I began helping people deepen their spirituality, activate their inner priest/ess, navigate transformation, and learn to connect to the natural world so they could use their inner guidance to more consciously create their lives. An enormous part of these teachings has been discovering how the masculine and feminine principles learn to co-create together, both inside and out. When these two aspects work well together in a person’s life their creation dance becomes more filled with grace and ease “Creation tools work exactly the same way no matter what it is we apply them to: better relationships, health, business building, increasing income, dancing through life, or living in harmony with Nature. Just like the physical art of dancing, dancing with the principles of creation takes practice” [ilink url=”http://www.thekickasslife.com/lma” style=”download”]Click here for more information on Lisa Michaels and Natural Rhythms[/ilink]...
053 – How to be the strongest advocate for your own life, with Laura Hansen
Laura Hansen is a bestselling author, teacher, international presenter and counselor. Her work has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to understand how their lives work and how to squeeze the juice out of life. Her message is how to be a stronger advocate for your own life. Her bestselling books include Hand me a wrench my life is out of whack. Join Laura and David as they chat about life, its up’s and downs and its magic. http://www.laura-hansen.com Laura’s Love Exercise: The Small Thing v The Big Beautiful Thing Every day we choose the small damaging thing over the big beautiful thing. We dissolve long friendships over gossip. We end marriages over money. We choose pain over love. We give up what we wish for most because it didn’t meet our expectations of true love. In your most important relationships, how much do you accept yourself and the other person? How many times have you chosen the small thing over the big beautiful thing? The below exercise is designed to help you acknowledge how you’ve built the foundation of your relationship, and how you can strengthen that foundation with acceptance and love. This exercise has been simplified and shortened from the version you will find in the book, Hand Me a Wrench, My Life Is Out of Whack. Using paper and pen/pencil, choose a relationship you’d like to work with for this exercise. Divide the paper into three vertical columns. Title the columns left to right: “Love it,” “Drives Me Nuts,” “Why.” In the “Love it” column write down one thing you love about your relationship. In the “Drives Me Nuts” column, write down one thing you don’t like about your relationship. In the “Why” column write down why you feel the way you do. Turn the paper over or get a new sheet. Divide the paper into three vertical columns. Title the columns left to right: “Small Thing,” “Big Beautiful Thing,” “New Decision/Behavior.” In the “Small Thing” column, write out your fear/judgment/expectation/sadness that surfaces when the other person does the thing that drives you nuts. In the “Big Beautiful Thing” column, write out what part of your love or acceptance of yourself or the other person is blocked by the small thing. In the third column, write out the new choice you are going to make so you can be side by side addressing this problem, instead of putting this problem between you. It’s possible that your new decision will be a change in behavior on your part that doesn’t require any discussion. Other types of problems will require the two of you working in supportive partnership...