117 – Living Healthy with Kelli Calabrese

117 – Living Healthy with Kelli Calabrese

David Is excited to have the opportunity to interview one of the most Accredited fitness professionals in the Fitness Industry, Kelli Calabrese. She will talk about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, making choices and how important it is to move every single day and move away from an unhealthy lifestyle. On today’s show Kelli will talk about the importance of making Health & Fitness a permanent part of your life. Change your habits, don’t develop bad habits Have the best possible body & mind Make an Effort to Exercise and you will be more conscious of what you eat The importance of Sleep. How exercise effects how you feel everyday and how your handle and react to major problems. The importance of setting GOALS. How to engage your family, educate your children “the will do what you DO and NOT what you say” Kelli will give a few tips on how you can get started today by changing just one bad habit. It’s never too late Give yourself time, make an appointment to exercise Find something you love and do it often! She will give a sneak peak into the book she is currently working on. Kelli also talks about her close friend & neighbor Nick Vujicic, his positive attitude towards life and how he influences others to be positive. Useful links: http://www.kellicalabrese.com http://femininefirmandfit.com/ http://www.adventurebootcamp.com/ http://kellicalabrese.mybeyondorganic.com/...

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