103 – Sex, Passion, and Enlightenment with Satyen & Suzanne Raja
With the divorce rate so high Satyen & Suzanne are helping couples all over the world to re-ignite their passion. They truly walk the talk; they love each other and love their relationship. They have helped so many others to put passion first! We’re also considering having Satyen & Suzanne host their own show on the Kickass Life network. If you liked the show, be sure and tell us on the Facebook Page! What you’ll discover in this show: Are you missing the experience of Passion and want it, desire it, seek it? Satyen and Suzanne will talk about bringing couples closer. The will talk about “Polarity” and it’s magnetic arc of attraction between lovers. Learn about the “ISE Hot Potion” – Invitation, Surrendering and Expression Learn about “PCP” – Presence, Claim and Penetration The importance of putting your relationship first, before children, your career. Ask yourself, what do I want, be specific, have a wish list, a vision board and most importantly love you. How to be successful in your relationship: be intimate and passionate. Take it to the edge and bring your relationship alive, devour and ravish it! Links mentioned in the show: Go to www.ignitepassionnow.com And take the Passion Pulse (Online Quiz): Read about Satyen and Suzanne’s story here. We Need Your Help! Thank you all for listening to this episode of The Kickass Life Podcast with David Wood! If you enjoyed this episode, please click the link below to show some Twitter love to Satyen & Suzanne and thank them for taking the time to be a guest on the The Kickass Life Podcast: Thank Satyen & Suzanne by Clicking Here <– And lastly, if you haven’t already I would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It would be extremely helpful for the show! Leave a review for The Kickass Life Podcast! Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all the best! Cheers! ...
095 – Amy Clover went to the brink…and came back stronger.
Amy Clover is such an inspiration, and a true voice and advocate for suicide awareness. As a young woman who has crossed the threshold of inner pain to the point of wanting to end her life, Amy is a symbol of hope for anyone who suffers alone. David explores her journey and the staggering truth that suicide is #3 on the list of killers of our teenagers. Its time for us all to become more aware and get behind empowered young women like Amy, and help her bring awareness and hope to those that suffer alone and the families and friends of those who suffer alone. I don’t wait for permission to bring my ideas to life. I ask myself what actions need to be taken, and then I do them.- Amy Clover Links Mentioned in the Show: http://StrongInsideOut.com http://30x30project.com http://www.facebook.com/stronginsideout http://www.twitter.com/stronginsideout Movement Meetups group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/movementmeetups/ To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA): http://www.twloha.com Map of tour (updated frequently): http://goo.gl/maps/VVaak About the 30X30 Project: To celebrate the birthday Amy Clover almost didn’t have, she’s teaching 30 donation-based bootcamps in 30 cities across North America to raise awareness for suicide prevention nonprofit, To Write Love On Her Arms! The 30×30 Project tour is stopping near you, so please come out and support a great cause while also getting in an awesome workout! If you want to learn how to help this movement create widespread hope, come to the Movement Meetup in your...
086 – How The Kickass Life Began
Happy Valentines Day! In this Episode, Kickass Life Michael O’Neal shares how The Kickass Life Podcast came to be, and what the plans are for 2013. He also shares some insights about Valentines Day, and the one thing you can do to make yourself more appealing in love, and in business. Links: FREE Mindset Training Download: http://www.thekickasslife.com/free Link to Share on your Facebook wall: http://www.thekickasslife.com/pod Link to TKL Facebook Page: http://www.davidonfacebook.com TED Talks: http://www.ted.com The New “Start Here” Section: http://www.thekickasslife.com/start 025 – Les Brown unwraps your infinite greatness! – Maybe the funniest interview we’ve ever had. He talks about cancer, hot flashes, diabetes, and teaches how to respond to...
053 – How to be the strongest advocate for your own life, with Laura Hansen
Laura Hansen is a bestselling author, teacher, international presenter and counselor. Her work has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to understand how their lives work and how to squeeze the juice out of life. Her message is how to be a stronger advocate for your own life. Her bestselling books include Hand me a wrench my life is out of whack. Join Laura and David as they chat about life, its up’s and downs and its magic. http://www.laura-hansen.com Laura’s Love Exercise: The Small Thing v The Big Beautiful Thing Every day we choose the small damaging thing over the big beautiful thing. We dissolve long friendships over gossip. We end marriages over money. We choose pain over love. We give up what we wish for most because it didn’t meet our expectations of true love. In your most important relationships, how much do you accept yourself and the other person? How many times have you chosen the small thing over the big beautiful thing? The below exercise is designed to help you acknowledge how you’ve built the foundation of your relationship, and how you can strengthen that foundation with acceptance and love. This exercise has been simplified and shortened from the version you will find in the book, Hand Me a Wrench, My Life Is Out of Whack. Using paper and pen/pencil, choose a relationship you’d like to work with for this exercise. Divide the paper into three vertical columns. Title the columns left to right: “Love it,” “Drives Me Nuts,” “Why.” In the “Love it” column write down one thing you love about your relationship. In the “Drives Me Nuts” column, write down one thing you don’t like about your relationship. In the “Why” column write down why you feel the way you do. Turn the paper over or get a new sheet. Divide the paper into three vertical columns. Title the columns left to right: “Small Thing,” “Big Beautiful Thing,” “New Decision/Behavior.” In the “Small Thing” column, write out your fear/judgment/expectation/sadness that surfaces when the other person does the thing that drives you nuts. In the “Big Beautiful Thing” column, write out what part of your love or acceptance of yourself or the other person is blocked by the small thing. In the third column, write out the new choice you are going to make so you can be side by side addressing this problem, instead of putting this problem between you. It’s possible that your new decision will be a change in behavior on your part that doesn’t require any discussion. Other types of problems will require the two of you working in supportive partnership...
047 – Relationship Mastery with Beth Haneshewski
Beth Haneshewski, David’s great friend and international trainer, author and coach who shares beautifully the art of relationship mastery. Beth shows her students and clients the simple secrets of life bliss,offering them powerful and proven tools for relationship transformation that are innovative and accelerated, yet amazingly simple to use in everyday life. David receives calls all the time from students and friends who are struggling in their relationships, and Beth is always his go-to person. He has watched her time and again unlock hidden doors, find lost passion and deliver practical tools that everyone in a relationship should be utilizing in order to have relationship mastery....