315 – The Five Minute Challenge – David T.S. Wood
When you look around your house, office, garage or car are there little piles of clutter, unfinished jobs, or small jobs that you have been thinking about but never started? What about unfinished conversations or conversations that should have happened but didn’t? If you are human then I guarantee that there are which means that you are going to love the 5 minute challenge What you will learn: How David’s son, Ben resolved a major conflict The broken window theory Why municipalities fix broken windows and remove graffiti What your broken windows may be How to fix your broken windows How to have clearing conversations The 5 minute challenge Todays Songs: Billy Gene – Michael Jackson Broken Window Serenade –Whiskey Myers Pick it Up – Donnie Klang Todays Quotes: “Agree to disagree agreeably” “First seek to understand and then be understood “ The Broken Window Theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory Hugh Culvers Blog http://hughculver.com/why-you-need-to-fix-broken-windows-in-your-life/...
314 – Unleash the Power of Goal Setting – David T.S. Wood
David shares the secret of his own success by sharing how to use goal setting to unleash your personal power and to move you into a life that is currently only a wish or a dream. What you will learn on Todays Show: The SMART Acronym S – Specific M- Measurable A-Attainable R-Realistic T-Timely A Goal vs a Good Idea Why Writing it Down is So Important Its All in the Details Stretching Goals Breakthrough Goals Why Reading Goals is Critical A Goal Book What to Carry in Your Wallet The 10 Million Dollar Check Why Goals Lead to Mastery Starting NOW Todays Songs: Getting There by Quinn Sullivan Dreams by The Cranberries Dreams by Fleetwood Mac Dreams by John Legend What Oprah Learned from Jim Carrey http://www.oprah.com/oprahs-lifeclass/What-Oprah-Learned-from-Jim-Carrey-Video Todays Quotes If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, Liberates your energy and inspires your hopes If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a Burning desire to do things, you don’t have enough goals You want to set a goal that is big enough that is the process Of achieving it you become someone worth...
267 – Ann Webb – Creating Your Ideal LifeVision For Ultimate Success
On today’s show David is very excited to be talking to Ann Webb. Ann is best known as “The LifeVision Expert” and has coached thousands of successful entrepreneurs and other highly motivated individuals in getting crystal clear in both their business and personal visions resulting in more money, better relationships, and improved health & fitness. Ann is the author and creator of the “Creating Your Ideal LifeVision”, a revolutionary Home Study Course that has helped thousands of people start living their Ideal Life. On Today’s show Ann will share: What Anne’s life was like 25 years ago. The importance of writing down your goals, RECORDING them and give yourself specific tasks. Listen to your recording EVERYDAY! What clarity & focus means. You have the POWER to change yourself to get what you want in your ideal life. The 5 key areas Ann works on. How Ann got over being shy so she could build her business. What is your IDEAL life Statement, and how to write this down? Ann’s story is amazing, by using positive affirmations, setting goals and recording them and listening to them DAILY, her LIFE changed emotionally and financially. Useful links: http://ideallifevision.com http://ideallifevision.com/isagenix-lifevision/ http://creatingyourlifevision.com http://ideallifevision.com/fitness-challenge Today’s Quote I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet – Mahatma Gandhi Today’s Songs That will be the Day – Buddy Holly I’m a Man – Bo...
058 – What it takes to win – Roger Bannister’s Sub 4-Minute Mile
“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.” – Zig Ziglar Join David as he explores what it took for Roger Bannister to break a record that the experts said could never be broken, and what it takes to shift your mindset so that you can break your own records. On May 6th, 1954, an unidentified announcer gave the results for the recently completed race in a track and field meet being held at Oxford University. As he uttered “In the one-mile run, with a first place winning time of three-minutes …,” the crowd interrupted him, cheering in sheer excitement. The winner of the race, the new world record holder and the first person to finish a mile in less than four minutes was Dr. Roger Bannister – a young medical student from Oxford University. His official time, once the crowd permitted the announcer to continue, was 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. In the years following Dr. Bannister’s May 6, 1954 feat, hundreds of runners have run sub-four-minute miles (and some runners have achieved the feat hundreds of times themselves). In fact, later in May 1954, John Landy, a miler from Australia, also ran the mile in less than four minutes – lowering the world record for the mile to 3:58.0. As of today, men over the age of 30 have run miles in less than four minutes as well as men over the age of 40. There are even women within striking distance of the sub-four-minute milestone. Currently, the world record is more than 15 seconds under four minutes. However, prior to Dr. Bannister’s accomplishment, few believed that a human would ever break the four-minute-mile barrier. Experts from the athletic, medical and scientific community regarded running a sub-four-minute mile as an insurmountable limitation of the human body. After all, the previous world record of 4:01.3 had stood unchanged for nine years. Despite what the experts said, Bannister thought otherwise. In his mind, it was not a question of whether or not someone could run a sub-four-minute mile. For Bannister the questions to be answered were “who” and “when.” Bannister believed that someone would break the four-minute barrier. He believed that he was capable of doing it. He believed that his unique training methods would enable him to do it. And, in the end, his convictions and confidence carried him to world-renowned prominence. Video...