317 – Living Beyond Limits – Amy Purdy’s Amazing Journey, Story & Triumph
Imagine if your life were a book and you were the author? What story, what great adventure would you be writing yourself into and what actions would you be taking every day to bring it all to life? Included in today’s show, David discusses Amy Purdy’s journey who has been a stellar example of living beyond limits and has been in the Olympics, TED Talk, Dancing with the Stars! A wonderful and inspiring story and show! On Todays Show: Unveiling Adversities Secrets Choosing how Long You Need to Overcome Adversity Amy Purdy’s Story Amy’s Low Point and How it Propelled Her Why Someone Who Loses Limbs Decides Not to Have them Back Your Challenge to Write Yourself onto a Great Adventure Amy Purdy’s TED Talk http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_purdy_living_beyond_limits Todays Songs: Walk with you – Ann Reed Forgot my Shoes – Ann Reed Telling Stories – Angelika Dusk Telling Stories – Tracy Chapman Dirty Little Secrets – Telling Stories Today’s Quotes: “The obstacles are not there to keep us out, they are there to see if we want it bad enough.” – Randy Pausch “Borders and Obstacles can Only do One of Two Things Stop us in Our Tracks or Unleash Our Imagination.” – Amy...
315 – The Five Minute Challenge – David T.S. Wood
When you look around your house, office, garage or car are there little piles of clutter, unfinished jobs, or small jobs that you have been thinking about but never started? What about unfinished conversations or conversations that should have happened but didn’t? If you are human then I guarantee that there are which means that you are going to love the 5 minute challenge What you will learn: How David’s son, Ben resolved a major conflict The broken window theory Why municipalities fix broken windows and remove graffiti What your broken windows may be How to fix your broken windows How to have clearing conversations The 5 minute challenge Todays Songs: Billy Gene – Michael Jackson Broken Window Serenade –Whiskey Myers Pick it Up – Donnie Klang Todays Quotes: “Agree to disagree agreeably” “First seek to understand and then be understood “ The Broken Window Theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory Hugh Culvers Blog http://hughculver.com/why-you-need-to-fix-broken-windows-in-your-life/...
314 – Unleash the Power of Goal Setting – David T.S. Wood
David shares the secret of his own success by sharing how to use goal setting to unleash your personal power and to move you into a life that is currently only a wish or a dream. What you will learn on Todays Show: The SMART Acronym S – Specific M- Measurable A-Attainable R-Realistic T-Timely A Goal vs a Good Idea Why Writing it Down is So Important Its All in the Details Stretching Goals Breakthrough Goals Why Reading Goals is Critical A Goal Book What to Carry in Your Wallet The 10 Million Dollar Check Why Goals Lead to Mastery Starting NOW Todays Songs: Getting There by Quinn Sullivan Dreams by The Cranberries Dreams by Fleetwood Mac Dreams by John Legend What Oprah Learned from Jim Carrey http://www.oprah.com/oprahs-lifeclass/What-Oprah-Learned-from-Jim-Carrey-Video Todays Quotes If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, Liberates your energy and inspires your hopes If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a Burning desire to do things, you don’t have enough goals You want to set a goal that is big enough that is the process Of achieving it you become someone worth...