217 – Be Right or Be Rich

217 – Be Right or Be Rich

Just a few days before David is heading to Australia where he explores the isolation that is created when someone decides that they are right. The Measure of intelligence is the ability to change Albert Einstein What you will learn on the show: Highlights from David’s trip through Egypt The I’m right your wrong dilemma How our truth can trap us Why keeping the door open makes for a more connected life What Time Magazine published about being Gay in 1966 A fascinating sample of a powerful TED talk by Andrew Solomon – Love no Matter What How does an illness become an identity The unknown world of The Deaf The Difference between Self Acceptance-Family Acceptance and Social Acceptance The power of love and light and what happens when you see it and nurture it The power of being open What creates isolation An invite to join David on his private island The Kickass Life Adventure Club Join David on his private island www.thatchcayebelize for an incredible adventure week in December 2013….There is only room for 28 so make sure that you act quickly Contact David on Fb – www.davidonfacebook.com and let him know if you will be one of the 28. This will one of the greatest weeks of your life so do not deny yourself. Top ten places to see in Australia Top Ten Places to see in Egypt Songs Played Today: Men at Work – Down Under Elton John – Candle in the Wind Queen – I want to break free The Bangles – Walk Like an Egyptian Thanks to some Aussies for the reviews on iTunes (Leave Your Review here) BenjoCraig,Mommatwo,Ellabell,Mini.magoo,Emillebea,JennieL75,Moi Aussie de...

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216: Unleash Your Inner Power

216: Unleash Your Inner Power

On today’s show David is excited to be talking to Leela Francis, Leela is the Founder and Director of Vividly Woman Embodied Leader Tools and Training.  She is an expert in the body consciousness and soulful personal expansion and an Author of her newly released book “Woman’s Way Home: Navigating Your path to Embodied power”. Quote of the Day: Behind Every Great Man is a Woman rolling her Eye’s Leela will share her amazing story about going from one relationship to the next and comparing what others are doing. On Today’s show we will learn: Why do we lose ourselves How generations are changing The importance of being authentic in who we are What are we doing to prove our self worth Intimacy and being fulfilled Honoring your body and love living in your own body Forgiving and having compassion Learn what you can do by dancing for only 15 minutes a day to help other people feel free, live authentically and a succulent life. Leela is beautiful inside and out! She is connecting with women around the world through live presentations and events, she has a magical touch with people and her passion is guiding woman home. Useful links: http://www.leelafrancis.com/site/ http://vividlywoman.com/ Womans Way Home: Navigating Your Path to Embodied Power – by Leela Francis Songs on today’s Show Bee Gee’s – More than a Woman Calvin Richardson – More than a Woman   www.thatchcayebelize   David is inviting you to come to his private island in Belize for the first Kickass Life Adventure Here is how it works: The first 28 people to contact David on facebook davidonfacebook.com will be the people that will be invited to come for the greatest week of their lives.   Cost: $2300   My promise is to create a KICKASS week for you    Adventure, fun, friendship and memories to last a...

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215 – Breaking Bad Habits in 10 Minutes

215 – Breaking Bad Habits in 10 Minutes

On todays show David talks about both good and bad habits and how you can replace the bad ones, with good ones. What you will learn on todays show: The difference between breaking, and replacing a bad habit The role stress or boredom plays in creating bad habits Why a substitute habit is important Why cutting out triggers works The importance of a wingman or woman Using the word ‘however’ and managing negative self talk All this in just over 600 seconds! 🙂 The Silly Facts on Todays Show: 1. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. 2. The original basket in basketball, as invented by James Naismith in 1891, was a peach basket. 3. Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different. 4. The world’s population grows by 100 million each year. 5. Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. 6. In most American states, a wedding ring is exempt by law from inclusion among the assets in a bankruptcy estate. This means that a wedding ring cannot be seized by creditors, no matter how much the bankrupt person owes. Songs On Todays Show:  Jump by Van Halen Old Time Rock & Roll by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band A Hard Day’s Night by The Beatles Comedian on Todays Show: Mark Normand...

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214 – Assk Dave & Jen: YOUR Questions From Facebook

214 – Assk Dave & Jen: YOUR Questions From Facebook

Quote of the Day All Life is an experiment, the more experiments the better Thank you for your questions on Fb! Time to strap in for the answers ! We’d also would love to thank everyone who has taken some time to leave a review on iTunes and give the show your star rating. So appreciate you all! Some of the things that you will learn on todays show What F.O.C.U.S stands for and how you can use it to succeed Why people sifting is important The most powerful opening line in history What an entrepreneur is The difference between flirting and connecting The best way to meet people How to overcome your fear of public speaking David’s confession on discipline The power of compliments Resources: www.meetup.com Songs Played on Today’s Show:  Super Tramp “Long Way Home” https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/take-the-long-way-home/id111521?i=111511&uo=4 Avicii “Wake me up” https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/wake-me-up/id665183180?i=665183211&uo=4 Grand Funk Railroad “Some Kind of Wonderful” https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/some-kind-of-wonderful/id137895124?i=137895212&uo=4 Super Tramp “Good Bye Stranger” https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/goodbye-stranger/id99663?i=99635&uo=4 Dave Allen Comedy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxo81Ok9Urk   “Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first” – David Wood “My Wealth can only grow to the extent I grow myself” – David...

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213 – How Education is Killing Creativity

213 – How Education is Killing Creativity

In this podcast, filled with great humor, David discusses the importance of challenging and expanding the way we all think and reviews some of Sir Ken Robinson’s discussion from his widely popular TED Talk about ‘Killing Creativity’.  We have been taught to disregard the creativity that we are all born with and follow the rigid structure of the industrial revolution based education system.  David talks through his experiences of being disregarded and looked down upon by teachers and counselors when he was in school, and how the educational system is broken in the way they judge just a small portion of what is truly important in children. The topics covered in this podcast are critical to learn about discuss for any current students, parents, educators, or those who understand the critical role that creativity plays in education. Sir Ken Robinson is a phenomenal speaker with over 5 Million views on his TED talk and over 10 Million views on Changing Paradigms video.  He is thought provoking and mind expanding speaker who delivers this amazing content through great stories and humor. Sir Ken Robinson’s Ted Talk on Youtube Sir Ken Robinson’s ‘Changing Paradigm’ video on Youtube Key things you’ll learn in this podcast: – How to embrace failure to reach your excellence – How current education teaches the creativity out of us – New ways of teaching to fire up all senses for better results – How Gillian Lynne (world renown choreographer of Cats & Phantom of the Opera) overcame the early labels of attention deficit to embrace her true calling Awesome musical accompaniment in this podcast: Dire Straits – Sultans of Swing Dire Straits – Money for...

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212 – Cherif & Shajen Aziz – Discover the Gift

212 – Cherif & Shajen Aziz – Discover the Gift

Today David is excited to be interviewing Cherif Aziz and his wife Shajen.  Together they created the International Bestselling book and film “Discover the Gift”.    Cherif is an Entrepreneur, his expertise is from his experience as an investor, stockbroker, business owner, consultant, producer and restaurateur.   Living in different countries all over the world and being multi-lingual has given him the ability to relate to other cultures.  He takes pride in himself and has open communication for smooth running business creating win/win/win opportunities. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment, Before starting to improve the world Anne Frank Shajen is a Master Educator.  She has been awarded Woman of the year for 2011/2012, before “Discover the Gift” she worked in our public education system for over 20 years as a Special educator, Administrator and Counselor.   She is passionate about children and young adults as they are the future and her motto is “creating a conscious compassionate world – one person, one family and one community at a time”. On today’s show you will learn: What it means to “Discover the Gift” Shajen’s journey and what she learned at a young age Taking action How a traumatic experience can shift your thinking, reconditioning your mind Letting go of your past and experience joy, Being receptive to what’s wonderful about you What is the step that has had the greatest impact on Cherif Family struggles and forgiveness Listen in and hear more about Cherif & Shajen’s book “Discover the Gift”, the Ambassador program and make a positive change! Enjoy! Useful links: www.discoverthegift.com The trailer that was played on the show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNO0-tjaDjw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ymzLtzqno http://www.examiner.com/article/the-gift-of-adversity-a-conversation-with-author-shajen-joy-aziz-m-ed-part-1 http://shajenjoyaziz.wordpress.com http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlkbm5_shajen-joy-aziz-discover-the-gift-documentary_shortfilms Todays Music Israel Kamakawiwo’ole http://www.izhawaii.com...

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