258 – How to Make 2014 a Massive Success
In todays show David explores the Wonderful Life of George Bailey ‘The Richest Man in Town’ from the Movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, plus he looks at the science behind setting goals and how to make them and keep them. He also shares a strategy for setting new years resolutions and how to create the habits to make them effective Plus David shares an area of his life that is not doing well and what he resolves to do about it Join the Conversation – www.davidonfacebook.com What you will Learn on Todays Show The Role Happiness Plays in Goal Setting Why thoughts are critical to successful goal setting Why overtaxing willpower is ineffective Why pruning dead wood is important What a positive prime is and how to use them How self esteem comes from doing things that we don’t enjoy Why doing the hard things first works An important note for women only What a “if-then’ scenario is and how to use it Why goal setting is essential for happiness Todays Links: Psychology Today ‘Now Years Resolution Advice You won’t Read Anywhere Else http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/creating-your-best-life/201101/new-year-s-resolution-advice-you-won-t-read-anywhere-else It’s a wonderful Life ‘The Movie’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frXklECPkD0 The 5 Proven Steps of Happiness http://www.thekickasslife.com/podcasts/174-the-5-proven-habits-of-happiness/ Happy New Year Barbra Streisand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqHSfL2p8W4 Todays Quotes: Stop taking advice from broke unhappy people – David T.S. Wood You become the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with Tell the truth all the time with compassion – David T.S. Wood Todays Songs: Hey Hey – Eric Clapton Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton Before You Accuse Me – Eric Clapton No Body Knows You When Your Down & Out – Eric Clapton Lonely Stranger – Eric Clapton Running on Faith – Eric Clapton Walkin Blues – Eric...
254 – Joel Brown – Secrets Of Extraordinary Results With A Great Intention
What a great show!! Today, David is excited to be talking to Joel Brown who shares amazing insight into achieving incredible results while helping change lives. Joel is 26 year old and the CEO and Founder of Addicted2Success.com. With along time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Joel started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. Joel’s passion for what he does shows through the continual growth of Addicted2Success.com’s online community. On Today’s show Joel will share: How he started Addicted2Success.com. Why passion and persistence is so important. Importance of stepping outside the box, challenge yourself. Stepping into the UNCOMFORTABLE zone will help you reach your goals to success. That what you love to do…WILL and SHOULD feel right. Where he see’s himself in 5 years Ignore, take action, get results and keep moving forward Have a dream and make it come true! Tune in and listen to this great show and ask yourself “What’s stopping you from Achieving Success!” Joel is amazing! He is achieving extraordinary results with a great intention! Useful links: http://addicted2success.com/ Songs: Men at Work – Be Good Johnny Men at Work – Land Downunder Todays Quotes: Don’t cry because it’s over Smile because it happened -Dr. Seuss The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their...
252 – Assk Dave (& Jen) – Why You Are The Best Investment & How To Create A Kick Ass Life
On todays show David takes you along to one of the most incredible parties he has thrown for a LONG, LONG time and introduce you to some Kickass Life Practitioners who get to Assk Dave a question. Todays Show Dedicated to – His students who traveled on planes, cars, busses, taxi’s boats and their feet to come to Belize so that they could invest in themselves, many of whom are Kickass Life Practitioners. What you will learn on Todays Show: How to create a kickass life Why ‘YOU’ are the best investment that you can ever make What happens when you step outside your comfort zone What Dave would do if he were 13 in order to create a Kickass Life One mans journey from unhappy to fulfilled and happy The Thatch Caye experience from the mouths of the guests A peek inside the Belizean culture Join me on Facebook www.davidonfacebook.com Todays Quotes: It is impossible to discover new oceans, unless you first have the courage, to leave sight of the shore The Person who flips a coin at every crossroad Will often arrive first at their destination Todays Links: MLM Myth Buster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFXJe8XAIi0 Thatch Caye Belize...
251 – Solo – Finding and Pursuing Your Path to Your Happiness – with special guests Peta, Sanj, Chris and Jen
Today, David checks in from Thatch Caye, Belize with Peta from Australia, Sanj from Toronto, Chris from Phoenix and and Jen to discuss the amazing activities and adventures they are doing this week on the island and their personal transformations. This is a truly fantastic podcast with so many nuggets of real wisdom from people across the world who have made important changes in their lives. Things they discuss are: How to make the commitment to listen to our heart and Expecting more of ourselves to change ourselves Letting go of people in your life who aren’t celebrating you Discovering, listening to, and pursuing your ‘why’ The joy of retiring your mom and paying off her mortgage Changing from ‘traditional’ business path to personal development and financial freedom Dealing with being ‘angry’ and run down from a traditional ‘JOB’ Regaining you youth and innocence Getting out of the common rat race Breaking through the ‘fear’ that stops people from making the necessary change The difference between ‘being interested’ and ‘being committed’ The power of believing in yourself Changing from dabbling to committing so you can drive your own success Destroying the limiting belief of “you’re never good enough” The importance of daily gratitude The value of showing up as you and authenticity (who you really are and what feels good to you) and living a life of service Investing in YOURSELF Becoming the person that I was looking for Books Mentioned today: The Go Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea – by Bob Burg and John David Man Magic of Thinking Big: Acquire the Secrets of Success … Achieve Everything Everything You’ve Always Wanted – by David J. Schwartz The Slide Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success – by Jeff Olson Me Before You: – by Jojo...
245 – 600 Seconds – Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Wealth Secrets
On todays show, David talks about Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad and explores 6 Wealth Tips. This short and sweet podcast will give you clear insight and some take aways to start implementing immediately Quote: Robert T. Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur and Author “Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth. What you will learn on todays show: What the Rich Work For What we should be learning What to focus on in order to create wealth A way to avoid taxes How the Rich invent money What we need to learn The Five BIG obstacles stopping most getting RICH Fear Cynicism Laziness Bad Habits Arrogance And all this in just over 600 seconds. Well… actually almost 14 minutes as David really tried to CRAM a lot in. The Silly facts on Todays Show: The world’s termites outweigh the world’s humans 10 to 1 Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars. The 3 most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. Elephants can’t jump. Every other mammal can. Most American car horns honk in the key of F. In Cleveland, Ohio, it’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year’s supply of footballs. Songs On Todays Show: The Who – Baba O’Riely The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again The Who – Who Are...
244 – Ask Dave (& Jen) – Other’s Opinions, What Is WWOOFing, Minefield of Infidelity
On todays show David & Jen will answer your questions that you have posted on Fb and also share some great songs, awesome quotes and important links. Todays Show Dedicated to – Pam Wood on her Birthday Todays Questions Include How to deal with other people opinions of us What is WWOOFing and how can it help me travel for FREE What David does for fun with his boys How to move away from a profession to do what you love How to maneuver the minefield of infidelity A Great Question for the Hearing Impaired What to do if you have LOTS of money Join me on Facebook www.davidonfacebook.com Todays Quotes: The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered this is opportunity for growth I don’t regret the things I’ve done. I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, some lessons are painful, some are painless But all are priceless Go where you are celebrated not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, It’s time for a new start. Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude Todays Links: MLM Myth Buster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFXJe8XAIi0 WWOOF ing http://www.wwoof.net WELCOME TO WWOOF WWOOF is an exchange – In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles. WWOOF organizations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help. Many countries have national WWOOF groups. Look in the drop down menu or list below to find where they are. Other countries have hosts – but no national WWOOF group as yet! You can find out more about these by going here Make a difference! Get involved! Join WWOOF! Think local – act global! Songs: The Lovecats – The Cure As – Stevie Wonder I Believe in You – Songs for the Philippines (Kylie Minogue) Suddenly I see – KT...