064 – The Secret to The Ultimate Life

064 – The Secret to The Ultimate Life

David shares an extraordinary story of one of his student’s journey from absolute fear of the stage to commanding the room. He shares how she was able to do that in just a few days and how each of us can create The Ultimate Life by using the same strategy. Christmas shopping on Amazon? Help the show by going to thekickasslife.com and clicking on the Amazon banner before you buy.  It costs you nothing, and helps the...

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062 – Following your passion with Victor Escobar

062 – Following your passion with Victor Escobar

David sits down with Victor Escobar, one of four dive masters that make Thatch Caye their home. Victors story of leaving home in Guatemala at age 9, and finding his way to the islands of Belize, is one of courage, compassion and a true inspiration. It’s one persons journey to discovering and living their passion that we can all hope to aspire to. Holiday Shopping? If you’re holiday shopping, and planning on using Amazon.com to purchase some of your gifts, why not click the Amazon Banner on our homepage?  Once you get there, just purchase whatever you were going to.  It helps the show, and doesn’t cost you a penny!...

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060 – The Secret to a Greater Life

060 – The Secret to a Greater Life

As David sits in the sunshine listening to the waves rolling onto the beach of his own private island, he reflects back through his life and identifies the specific strategies that have allowed him to move from a life as a window cleaner living in a council house in a poorer part of England, to leading a Kickass Life traveling the world and living the life of his dreams. Are you affecting or infecting people around you?  What are you attracting into your life, do you know how to attract more of the great things into your life, and how to switch the crappy things so that they can become great...

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058 – What it takes to win – Roger Bannister’s Sub 4-Minute Mile

058 – What it takes to win – Roger Bannister’s Sub 4-Minute Mile

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.” – Zig Ziglar Join David as he explores what it took for Roger Bannister to break a record that the experts said could never be broken, and what it takes to shift your mindset so that you can break your own records. On May 6th, 1954, an unidentified announcer gave the results for the recently completed race in a track and field meet being held at Oxford University. As he uttered “In the one-mile run, with a first place winning time of three-minutes …,” the crowd interrupted him, cheering in sheer excitement. The winner of the race, the new world record holder and the first person to finish a mile in less than four minutes was Dr. Roger Bannister – a young medical student from Oxford University.  His official time, once the crowd permitted the announcer to continue, was 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. In the years following Dr. Bannister’s May 6, 1954 feat, hundreds of runners have run sub-four-minute miles (and some runners have achieved the feat hundreds of times themselves). In fact, later in May 1954, John Landy, a miler from Australia, also ran the mile in less than four minutes – lowering the world record for the mile to 3:58.0. As of today, men over the age of 30 have run miles in less than four minutes as well as men over the age of 40. There are even women within striking distance of the sub-four-minute milestone. Currently, the world record is more than 15 seconds under four minutes. However, prior to Dr. Bannister’s accomplishment, few believed that a human would ever break the four-minute-mile barrier. Experts from the athletic, medical and scientific community regarded running a sub-four-minute mile as an insurmountable limitation of the human body. After all, the previous world record of 4:01.3 had stood unchanged for nine years. Despite what the experts said, Bannister thought otherwise. In his mind, it was not a question of whether or not someone could run a sub-four-minute mile. For Bannister the questions to be answered were “who” and “when.” Bannister believed that someone would break the four-minute barrier. He believed that he was capable of doing it. He believed that his unique training methods would enable him to do it. And, in the end, his convictions and confidence carried him to world-renowned prominence. Video...

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056 – 5 Great Tips for Better F.O.C.U.S.

056 – 5 Great Tips for Better F.O.C.U.S.

After a suggestion from one of the listeners of The Kickass Life, David shares the 5 Practical Tips for better FOCUS. (Sam Horn) David also shares a few excerpts from the upcoming Best of The Kickass Life, Volume 1, including a powerful story by Marci Shimoff about a women who lost her sight after her eyedrops were laced with Lye, and how she took the situation and turned it around, and now leads an amazing, fulfilled life. More soundbites from the Best Of show by Stewart Emery (The Godfather of Personal Development), The Amazing Les Brown, and Author of Women are from Mars, Men are from Venus, Dr. John...

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054 – The Most Haunted House in England

054 – The Most Haunted House in England

Join David as he celebrates Halloween and shares stories of his ghost hunting days at Borley Rectory, “The Most Haunted House in England” and his terrifying night at an exorcism in an old Tudor pub down an old cobbled lane on a very scary...

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