092 – How to Ride The Peaks & Valleys Of Your Life, And YOUR Invite to Paradise
David shares how to ride the Peaks and Valleys of your life and also Invites you to join him and spend a week with him on his private island www.thatchcayebelize.com with his friends, the wonderful Dr Michael Colgan and his wife Lesley Colgan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Colgan_(nutritionist) Join us for a week of learning, adventure and fun called Mind, Body and Spirit. A world-renowned expert on health, fitness and youthful aging, Dr. Colgan at 72 looks MUCH younger than that, and has the body of a 35 year old! He will be one of your facilitators for this life changing week. This is your chance to spend a week together with us in Paradise. Dates: First week of July Costs: Triple Rooms $2000 per Head Double Room $3000 Per Head Couples $2500 Per Head All Room and Board, Kayaking, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Sailing Included in Price Please contact us directly for more information or to reserve your spot: [email protected] Maximum attendees 25, and it will sell out quickly! About Belize and Thatch Caye ...
090- Redefining Your Personal Wealth Code
David shares his journey from rags to riches and how he was able to reprogram his mind and begin to see himself, the world, opportunity, success and wealth differently. He shares how his environment (E) lead to his Perceptions (P) to how he Thought (T), which lead to how he Felt (F), which lead to his Actions (A) and ultimately to his Results (R) E – P – T – F – A – R So, once David got that his Results sucked, he went back and looked at his environment, how he had been programmed, and how his perceptions were in fact keeping him broke and unhappy. David also shares how he has been able to create multiple streams of Residual and Passive Income. Remember, you can watch John Assaraf’s FREE webinar, “Winning the Money Game” at http://www.thekickasslife.com/winning Special Event THIS Weekend Only: The Kickass Financial Life: Redefining Your Personal Wealth Code David invites you to join him this weekend at the Hotel Saskatchewan. March 2, 2013. 10am – 4 pm. Only $49. Register at http://wealthcode.eventbrite.com Look forward to seeing you there!...
087 – 7 Tips for Overcoming any Obstacle (David back from Kilimanjaro)
David’s first day back from Africa and summiting Kilimanjaro (19,370 feet) with 50% Oxygen and -19 Degrees, (brrrrrrrr) shares how he and his team used 7 strategies to conquer their inner mountain and conversely conquer Mt Kilimanjaro. David shares how he met and overcame his own inner demons and his private encounter with the reality of facing high altitude as he lead his team past a body of someone who never made the trip back home, passing away just one hour from the summit. FREE Mindset Training Download: http://www.thekickasslife.com/free Link to Share on your Facebook wall: http://www.thekickasslife.com/pod Link to TKL Facebook Page: http://www.davidonfacebook.com...
086 – How The Kickass Life Began
Happy Valentines Day! In this Episode, Kickass Life Michael O’Neal shares how The Kickass Life Podcast came to be, and what the plans are for 2013. He also shares some insights about Valentines Day, and the one thing you can do to make yourself more appealing in love, and in business. Links: FREE Mindset Training Download: http://www.thekickasslife.com/free Link to Share on your Facebook wall: http://www.thekickasslife.com/pod Link to TKL Facebook Page: http://www.davidonfacebook.com TED Talks: http://www.ted.com The New “Start Here” Section: http://www.thekickasslife.com/start 025 – Les Brown unwraps your infinite greatness! – Maybe the funniest interview we’ve ever had. He talks about cancer, hot flashes, diabetes, and teaches how to respond to...
084 – Guest Host John Assaraf from “The Secret”, on Setting Your Vision
On today’s show: Star of the hit movie The Secret, and bestselling author John Assaraf discusses the power of setting your vision, developing the right strategies, developing the mindset of personal excellence, and removing excuses from your vocabulary. He also shares how to really live a Kickass Life and how to become your very best version of yourself! Learn more info on John at...
083 – Dr. Judy Kurianski Heals The World
Dr. Judy is “America’s Favorite Talk Show Guest”. She’s had innumerable appearances on Larry King, The Today Show, Sally, Ricki, CNN, and hundreds of other shows worldwide. For more information, visit http://www.drjudy.com We also talk about a new affiliate to TKL Podcast Network, and a VERY special guest on Thursday. For pics of the new studio and Kilimanjaro pictures, visit our Facebook page at http://davidonfacebook.com...