Today David is chatting with a close friend and one of the world’s thought leaders Dr. Lance Wallnau. Lance is a world-class trainer and consultant.
What do best selling author Ken Blanchard, former president of the Ritz Carlton, Horst Schulze, the youngest Trump apprentice and Supermodel Kim Alexis, and The KickAss life host David Wood all have in common? They all agree that Lance Wallnau has impacted their lives.
Today Dr. Lance Wallnau will talk about:
- Why our Nations are struggling and how he can influence top leaders in society to help to create a bigger world from the top down.
- Dealing with stereotypes we all have.
- Living in fear and what helps us to deal with this fear.
- His life before he has impacted so many lives and his faith.
- What you can learn living as a Level 10 Leader.
What a great show! Be sure to listen in to Dr. Wallnau as he shares passion in helping others and some great stories.
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